double date - yyxy

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ay hyejoo wanna go on a double date??
i'll bring jiwoo and you bring chaewon?

sure but i dont like when you call it that...
it sounds embarrassing..

fine then we will go out for dinner 🙄 see ya at  7:30pm, we'll pick you up.

"chaewon, yves asked if we wanted to go on a... double date.. with her and jiwoo, want to go?" hyejoo asked hesitating. chaewon sat up from their bed. "yeah sure, do you know where we are going?" she asks. "ah no sorry, sooyoung just said she'll pick us up at 7:30pm" hyejoo responded. "oh okay, well we still have an hour and 15 minutes until we need to go so come watch these cat videos with me" chaewon patted the bed and smiled. hyejoo laughed and happily say down next to chaewon.

after awhile chaewon checks the time on her watch, "hey hyejoo its 7:00pm lets get ready."
"yep" she mumbled in response. they both got up and grabbed their clothes. hyejoo wore jeans, a white shirt and a black jacket. chaewon wore a white skirt, a white shirt and a jacket. "you look cute" hyejoo said while looking a chaewon. chaewon thanked her and kissed hyejoo. they stopped when they heard a knock at the door.

hyejoo checked the time, 7:30pm. they opened the door to see sooyoung and jiwoo with their arms intertwined. "hi!" jiwoo says happily. chaewon & hyejoo say hello. "all right, lets go" sooyoung said while walking to the car. they all followed her. all four of them entered the car. hyejoo & chaewon in the back and jiwoo & sooyoung in the front. "so, sooyoung where are we actually going?" chaewon asks. "first we are going to a restaurant, but afterwards we are going to a outdoor movie" sooyoung smiled, "i hope you all like that idea.".
"ooh that does sound fun" chaewon smiled. "good job sooyoung, you actually picked somewhere nice" hyejoo joked.
"very funny hyejoo" sooyoung said sarcastically.

they arrived at the restaurant and got a table. the couples sat down next to each other. sooyoung and jiwoo facing hyejoo and chaewon from across the table. "hey, are you guys ready to order?" the male waiter asks. they all nod. "can i get a burger please" jiwoo smiled. the man nodded his head. "i'll grab the same as her, thanks" sooyoung said putting her arm around jiwoo. "i'll get a steak" hyejoo says. the waiter turns his gaze to chaewon. "and what does the pretty lady want tonight?" he says in a 'charming' tone. hyejoo raises her eyebrow. "uh, i'll just get this salad thanks.." chaewon points to the salad on the menu awkwardly. "all right thanks ladies, we'll try get those meals to you quickly." he said and walked off. hyejoo glared at him as he turned around to walk away. jiwoo's eyebrows furrowed. "what the fuck was he saying" sooyoung said with a confused face. "i'm not sure, but its nothing to worry about, its okay." chaewon nervously chuckles. "hes a creep" hyejoo mutters but loud enough for the girls to hear. hyejoo held chaewons hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek. chaewon felt better.

the food arrived after 15 minutes. they all began eating together. they finished their food and drove to the outdoor movie. sooyoung parked her car in the best spot. they opened the back of sooyoungs car and sat inside. the movie eventually started and they enjoyed it. afterwards they drove home. jiwoo and chaewon fell asleep while sooyoung and hyejoo were talking. sooyoung arrived at chaewon and hyejoo's apartment. "need help bringing chaewon in?" sooyoung offered. "nah its alright, thank you for tonight, it was fun" hyejoo thanked her and picked chaewon up. they waved goodbye, hyejoo entered their appartment and locked the door behind her. sooyoung drove up and took herself and jiwoo home.

"are we home?" chaewon groggly asked. "yes now lets take you to bed" hyejoo says while walking towards their bedroom. hyejoo takes off chaewon's shoes for her, "hey chae, can i change your clothes for you so you'll be more comfy?" hyejoo asked while standing at the end of the bed. chaewon, who was laying on her back on the bed, she woke up fully at sat up. "yes please change me" she says holding on to hyejoo's shoulders as she removes chaewon's shirt & jacket and puts on her pj's. she then takes off her skirt and helps the exhausted chaewon put them on. "there now you can sleep comfortably" hyejoo smiled. chaewon laid  down under the covers in their bed, waiting for hyejoo. hyejoo quickly grabbed her pj's and undressed her clothes to put them on. as she removed her shirt and jacket she heard a crunchy wolf whistle coming from their bed. she turned around and saw chaewon smiling back at her. hyejoo got her pj's on and joined chaewon. they cuddled and drifted off to sleep very quickly.

(this is a long oneshot 😯)

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