smart - lipsoul

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jungeun struggled in school whereas jinsoul was one of the smartest in the school

"jungeun!!" jinsoul yells from the hallway. she runs up to jungeun and hugs her form behind. jungeun closes her locker and hugs jinsoul back. "how was your first class?" jinsoul asks smiling. jungeun responds, "i had math, i struggled so much".
"i can help you tonight, come over" jinsoul said. jungeun accepted the offer.

school ended and jungeun walked with jinsoul to her house. they held hands. jinsoul put her foot out sometimes, trying to trip jungeun over. but she just ended up tripping herself over. jungeun laughed at her but eventually helped her up. the pair finally arrived at jinsoul's home. jinsoul unlocked her door and stepped in, jungeun following behind her. "your house is so nice" jungeun smiled.
"you say that everytime" jinsoul laughs and rolled her eyes. they go to her kitchen. "want a drink?" jinsoul asks. jungeun nods. she passes jungeun a lemonade and grabs one for herself. she thanks jinsoul. they both head up to jinsoul's room. they go in and sit on her bed. jinsoul immediately kisses jungeuns cheek. a little gasp escapes jungeuns mouth, she didnt expect that. jinsoul laughs. jungeun leans over and kisses her lips. they continue that until they need air. "you came here to study, remember" jinsoul puts her hand over jungeuns lips. she frowns but sits up. jungeun grabs her textbooks and puts them down inbetween her and jinsoul.

they begin working through the problems together. "ah jinsoul whats 4x4?" jungeun asks.
"jungeun.. how do you not know that..?" jinsoul was shocked. "yah you're here to help me, not bully me" jungeun furrowed her eyebrows. "right.." jinsoul still in shock at how jungeun didn't know that.

"can we have a break soul? we've been studying for an hour already" jungeun whines.
"alright" jinsoul shuffles over to her. jinsoul sits infront of jungeun. she quickly connected their lips. jungeun pulled away and stared into her eyes. she kissed jinsoul's cheek. suddenly they heard a knock at the door. jinsoul sprung up and went downstairs to the door. jungeun following behind her. the door opened revealing hyeju and gowon with interlocked hands. "oh hey, why are you guys here?" jinsoul asks confused. "we need help studying for our math exam" hyeju responds.
"seems like everyone needs your help" jungeun kissed jinsouls cheek and headed to the kitchen. jinsoul let the two of them inside. they all sit down at the dining table.
"just kidding, we dont need help" hyeju confessed. "we were just bored" gowon finishes the sentence.
"ah good, i didnt want to have to study anymore" jungeun says relieved.
"by the looks of it, it doesn't look like you were studying that much.." hyeju points to the lipstick marks on jinsouls cheek, lips and neck.
jungeun just looks down feeling a bit embarrassed. "anyways! so what do you want to do?" jinsoul changes the subject and slightly rubs the marks off of her neck. "wheres your xbox?" gowon asks. jungeun points to the living room. hyeju and gowon run into the living room and immediately start playing. jungeun and jinsoul let them be, and just watched them as they sat on the couch.

(this is trash sorry)

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