enemies - chuuves

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chuu walked towards her locker and grabbed her stuff out, she closed the door and got startled by her enemy's face being revealed from behind the door. "yah! what do you want yves?" she slightly shouted. "i just came over to annoy you, and i suppose i have succeeded?" she smirked. chuu rolled her eyes and turned away from yves. "why are you always bothering me?" chuu says walking away from her. yves follows, "because you're reaction is amusing" she laughs. chuu glared at her. yves talked to chuu about random things, chuu continued walking and ignored her. they arrived at science class and unfortunately for chuu, they were assigned seats next to each other.

they both sat down and listened to the teacher explain the task. "alright so, work with the person next to you to create a scientific rocket design" Mr J said. all the students were satisfied with the task because it seemed quite fun. however chuu was annoyed that she had to work with yves. "ah you look so happy to work with me" yves joked while looking at chuu's glaring eyes. chuu groaned, "of course i get put next to you." she whines. "come on, i'm not that bad" yves fake frowns. chuu held in her laughter because yves looked stupid. "i saw you smile!" yves says pointing at her. "yah! no you didn't!" chuu says smiling slightly.
"girls! quiet!" Mr J yells. "ah sorry sir.." they say. both of them laugh quietly together. the lesson goes on and chuu decides to give yves a chance. they talked and did their project throughout the lesson. "i think our design looks pretty good" chuu smiles proudly. "yeah cause i drew most of it" yves reminds her and laughs. "shhhhh" chuu puts her finger over yves's mouth.

the two talk for a few weeks afterwards, they befriend each other. chuu was glad she stopped forcing herself to hate yves. because all along she was just hiding her feelings. before chuu expressed her feelings, unexpectedly yves told her thoughts first. they were hanging out afterschool at a local park. yves finally got the courage to finally break the peaceful silence. "hey, i want to confess my feelings for you, i've liked you for a while now, and i know you don't like me back but-" yves got cut off by chuu grabbing her hand. "what do you mean i don't like you back?" chuu questions her smiling. yves was shocked and confused. "i like you too idiot" chuu laughed. yves was so surprised, she quickly hugged chuu. they were so happy that they both felt the same.

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