no trust - lipsoul

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jungeun's mother didn't fully aprove of her relationship with jinsoul.

"mum can jinsoul please come over?" jungeun asks hesitation in her voice as she spoke. "you already know i don't trust her" jungeun's mum furrowed her eyebrows. "but why!?" jungeun whined. "she's literally perfect, shes so caring and friendly." jungeun stopped herself from speaking for too long. "fine." junegun's mum gave in. jungeun thanked her mother and ran upstairs to call jinsoul.

"shes actually letting me come over?"
"okay i'll be there in 20 minutes"

jinsoul got dressed, she wore jeans with a white shirt and a jacket. "bye mum i'm going to see jungeun!" jinsoul says smiling. "ah okay, have fun" jinsoul's mum waves goodbye. jinsoul begins walking to jungeun's house which was only 10 minutes away. jungeun also got dressed. she wore black sweatpants and a white croptop. jinsoul arrived and nervously knocked on the front door. she heard footsteps. jungeun opened the door and smiled. she hugged jinsoul and kissed her cheek. "come in" jungeun took her inside. "your house is nice" jinsoul compliments, looking around. jungeun's mum walks into the lounge room, which is where jungeun and jinsoul were. "ah hi miss, thank you for letting me come over" jinsoul says charmingly. "welcome, you guys can head up to jungeun's room now, but don't do anything weird.." ms kim says looking and them both. "yah! mum don't say that" jungeun yells shyly. they head up to jungeun's room.

they watch a movie and chill together. "does your mum not like me?" jinsoul looks up. jungeun looks down at her lap, which is where jinsoul is laying down. "she likes you, she just doesn't trust people quickly" jungeun pats her girlfriend's head. jinsoul nods. they finish watching the movie. jinsoul sits up facing jungeun. "i think the movie was quite predictable, what do you think?" jinsoul asks. jungeun gets closer to jinsoul and says, "i was watching you for most of it". jungeun leans in to kiss jinsoul. jinsoul switches their positions so now jungeun was sitting on her lap. they continued kissing until they heard the door suddenly open. jungeun pulled away from the kiss and turned her head to look at the door. she saw her mother standing there. "oh sorry! i just wanted to tell you that dinner will be ready in 10 minutes" her mum said. jinsoul sits there with her head in her hands, she was embarrassed that jungeun's mum saw this. "ah yep, thanks mum" jungeun responded. her mum quickly left the room and jungeun dies of embarrassment. "hey its not that bad, at least we weren't doing anything worse.." jinsoul smirks. jungeun hit her shoulder, "ah be quiet". jinsoul ate dinner with jungeun. she also stayed the night. it seemed like jungeun's mum was starting to trust her.

(this is so bad im sorry...)

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