freezing - 2jin

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"shit it's cold.." heejin murmured. hyunjin glanced over at her, "why didn't you bring a jacket?" she asks. "i didn't know it'd be this cold..." heejin says hugging herself. "hey uh.." hyunjin begins but stops speaking quickly. heejin looks at her confused. "here, just take my jacket." hyunjin says while placing her jacket over heejin's shoulders. heejin was surprised but very grateful. "ah, are you sure? thank you" she says. "no problem" hyunjin replies. heejin's face became a little red. she was flustered. "you're flustered?" hyunjin giggled. heejin just kept walking and covered her face with her hands. "we've been dating for over a year now and you still get flustered by little things" hyunjin smiled. heejin glanced at hyunjin, "its not my fault you're so pretty and annoying but also so caring.." heejin muttered. hyunjin heard her and smirked. "sorry i don't think i heard, can you repeat that?" hyunjin teasingly says. heejin hit her arm softly. "you heard me" heejin pouts. they both laugh quietly.

heejin feels a drop of water on her forehead. "an its starting to rain lets go!" heejin says before running to find cover. hyunjin just follows her. it starts to rain heavily but lucky they found a bus stop that had coverage. they both sat down next to each other very wet from the rain. "hah you're hair looks funny" heejin giggles. "ah says you, look are your hair" hyunjin scruffles heejins hair and smiles. heejin whines and fixes her hair. "when will the rain stop?" heejin asks. "do i look like a weather reporter?" hyunjin sarcasticly says. "yes you do" heejin says proudly. hyunjin glances at heejin with not much expression. heejin looks at her aswell. the atmosphere suddenly becomes extremely relaxing, the sound of the rain in the back was soothing to both of them. heejin leans in a little. hyunjin does the same. their lips meet for a while. they make out for a bit.

"oh hey, the rain stopped" heejin looked around. "ah okay, lets go back to the dorm, the others might get worried" hyunjin said standing up. heejin did the same. they intertwined hands and walked back to the dorm.

(sorry ik this was boring 😿)

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