distracting - hyewon

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'ah i really have to study for this math exam' hyejoo thought to herself while lying down on her bed. 'i'll study tomorrow because it's already 1am' she quickly fell asleep.

hyejoo woke up at 10am since it was a saturday. she got changed and left her room. "oh hey hyejoo, i was wondering when you'd finally wake up." yves smirked at her.
"shut it yves" hyejoo glared at her. yves laughed and continued making her cereal. "oh by the way, don't let gowon in if she comes by" hyejoo says. "what why? did you argue?"
"no, i just need to study for this exam and shes so distracting" she responds.
"ah okay" hyejoo left and went back into her room to study. she put her airpods in and started listening to some music.

hyejoo had been studying for 1 hour and she started getting hungry. "i should probably have lunch" she walked out of her room and into the kitchen. hyejoo began making a sandwhich. she hears laughs coming from the living room. hyejoo grabbed her sandwhich and began walking to the living room. she see's yves chatting with chuu. shes realived that she didn't see gowon in there. until, gowon popped her head out from behind chuu. hyejoo looked at yves. "she brought chuu, how could i not open the door?" she said.
"..dumbass.." hyejoo muttered. she saw gowon running up to her. "hyejoo!" gowon says while hugging her. "hello gowon" she smiles.
"let's go back to my room okay?" hyejoo says, dragging gowon with her. "oh okay! bye chuu and yves" she says before following hyejoo.

they both sit down on hyejoo's bed. "so i heard you didn't want yves to let me in?" gowon asks confused. "ah let me explain" hyejoo says,
gowon nods. "okay so, i needed to study for this math exam but whenever you're with me, i can never focus on anything but you" hyejoo explained. "so basically you're saying i'm irresistible" gowon says winking. hyejoo nods and laughs. hyejoo turns to gowon and kissed her. gowon kissed back instantly. they spent the rest of the night being clingy and playing video games. and gowon ended up staying the night. aswell as chuu.

(hope u enjoyed! pls give me any ideas if you have any!)

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