shopping - hyewon

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"hey hyejoo lets go shopping!" gowon says. "okay sure" she responds. they both get changed and head out the door. hyejoo drives them to the shops. they wander around a few stores for a bit. "aw this is cute" hyejoo says while holding up a wolf plushie. "omg you look like twins!" gowon says. hyejoo looks at the toy in confusion, "how do we look alike?" hyejoo asks confused. gowon laughs, "you're both adorable" she says. hyejoo gets flustered at the unexpected compliment.

after a little more shopping they decide to get some lunch. "what do you want to have?" gowon asks. "bread" hyejoo responds. "you've been hanging out with hyunjin to much" gowon giggles. they laugh and head to the bakery. "what can i get you two?" the worker asks. "can we have two of this please?" hyejoo says pointing at a bread dessert. they got their food and paid. the two sit down and enjoy their lunch. "so good" hyejoo says. gowon agrees and nods her head repeatedly. the two sit there and chat for awhile. they got up and began wandering around again. most of the time hyejoo was holding gowon's bags but she didn't mind. she was just happy that gowon was excited to shop. after a while gowon realised she had given many bags to hyejoo, she turned around and apologised and took some bags from her. "it's okay, i really didn't mind" hyejoo says smiling. "nooo, sorry i didn't even realiseee" gowon apologised. they decided to head home. hyejoo drove them home.

when the two arrived home, gowon did a haul show hyejoo what she bought. hyejoo hyped her up. gowon was trying on a few more outfits until there was one left. "okay, open your eyes.." gowon hesitantly says. hyejoo opened her eyes and became flustered immediately. " revealing" hyejoo says quietly. gowon was a little embarrassed but she liked the outfit. she had short denim shorts and a sleeveless top with straps. hyejoo didn't want gowon to feel embarrassed so she stood up and walked towards her. she wrapped her arms around gowons waist. "you look really good.." hyejoo says a little shy. gowon blushes and kisses hyejoo. "thank you" gowon responds, smiling. both their hearts are beating, quite fast. gowon changes back into her comfortable clothes and they chill on the couch. they play some video games together. when gowon gets bored she just watched hyejoo play. but most of the time she's looking at her face and not the screen...

(i hope this is good, i wrote this late at night so i apologise for any mistakes)

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