cooking - viseul

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"what should i make for dinner tonight?" vivi asks haseul who is playing on her phone. "hmm you make really good lasagna, you should make that!" haseul says excitedly while getting up to walk over to vivi, who is in the kitchen. "sure i'll make lasagna then" vivi says giving haseul a kiss on the cheek. haseul continued back hugging vivi until she had to start getting the ingredients. "hey, can i help?" haseul asks. "hm sure why not?" vivi says smiling. while vivi cuts up some ingredients haseul is constantly back hugging her. she had her face nuzzled into vivi's neck.

"mh you smell nice vivi" haseul says giving her a little kiss on the neck. vivi blushes at the sudden compliment and action. "heh thank you, i got a new perfume, do you like it more?" vivi asks. haseul nodded her head and continued to watch as vivi cut up more ingredients. "woah don't cut your fingers" haseul says worriedly. "don't worry haseul, i won't" vivi assured her. haseul cleaned up as vivi cooked which was helpful. everytime haseul did something helpful, vivi would give her kisses. "thank you haseul" vivi would say everytime haseul did a little helpful thing. "hey haseul could you please put this in the oven for me? be carefully it's a little heavy" vivi says. haseul wanted to help so of course she put it in the oven for vivi. vivi gave haseul yet another kiss. haseul just hugged vivi, she loved being with her. vivi felt the same. they hugged for awhile. "wanna listen to some music?" haseul asks. "hm sure" vivi says, a little surprised by the random question. haseul runs to get her phone and speaker. she comes back and places the speaker on the table. "hey vivi can i play one of our songs?" haseul asks. "yes of course" vivi says smiling. haseul plays 'Everyday I Love You' by Vivi. "ah this is a little embarrassing" vivi looks down a little embarrassed by her own song. "no, don't be embarrassed, this song is so good!" haseul says while lifting vivi's head up. "now come dance and sing with me" they both began singing a bit and laughing. "oh the lasagna is ready!" vivi says opening the oven. haseul put on oven mits and pulled the food out. "ah this smells so good" haseul says almost drooling. vivi smiles and begins cutting the lasagna.

"here you go" vivi says while giving a plate of lasagna to haseul. she kisses her cheek and grabs her own plate. they sit together at the table. "yah vivi, this is so good!" haseul says still with some food in her mouth. "eat then talk haseul, but thank you" vivi smiles and reminds haseul. "ah right sorry! " haseul responds. they finish and go chill in their room. haseul goes to play a game on her computer while vivi goes to their bed and scrolls on her phone. half and hour passes and vivi is getting tired. "haseul come hereee" vivi says patting the spot next to her. haseul turns around from her chair. she turns off her game. haseul walks up to their bed slowly and jumps ontop of vivi. "ah! haseul!" vivi yells. they both laugh. haseul rests her head on vivi's chest. vivi gives haseul small kisses on her head. "goodnight i love youuu" haseul says. "i love you too, goodnight" vivi says quietly.

(i hope this isnt cringeee)

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