pda - 2jin

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hyunjin has never really liked to publicly show affection towards her girlfriend but one night it changed.

the couple was at a chill party hosted by their close friend sooyoung. heejin and hyunjin were comfortably sitting on the couch beside each other. lots of people kept approaching heejin, to the point where hyunjin didn't really pay any attention to any of the conversations, so she just decided to get a drink. "how is the party?" sooyoung asks.
"it's good, thanks for inviting us" hyunjin smiles.
"i'm surprised you're so chill right now" sooyoung laughs a little.
hyunjin stares at her with confusion. "come on there is no way you're this blind, so many people have come up to heejin; flirting with her" sooyoung says. hyunjin's face scrunkled. "i wasn't really paying attention, but i'm gonna go back now" she walks up and sits back down, just as another random guy was done with the conversation and walked off.

"hey" heejin smiles. hyunjin suddenly puts her arm around heejin and kisses her cheek. "hyun? i thought you hated pda?" heejin asks, worried about how much she had drank. "are you drunk?".
"no its just— all those people were flirting with you, right?" she mutters.
"you know i always try to make those people go away" heejin held her jealous girlfriends hand's. "and now i will save you the trouble" hyunjin smiled, leaning in to capture heejins lip's. heejin was confused but didn't waste a single second, she kissed hyunjin back eagerly. after a bit hyunjin pulled back and looked around, she saw many of the random dudes looking disappointed and turning the other direction. hyunjin slightly smirked at the thought of showing off to everyone, that she was the one who was dating heejin.

hyunjin kept her arm over heejin's shoulder as they relaxed on the couch again. heejin snuggled into her girlfriend's side. the couple chatted about random things for most of the night and had fun with their friends. without anybody bothering them.

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