teachers - viseul

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mrs. jo enters mrs. wong's classroom. "hiii kahei" she smiles. "hello haseul" mrs. wong greets back.
"how was your class?" haseul asks as she sits on one of the desks.
"it was good, the children behaved, so thats nice" kahei smiled. kahei stood infront of haseul. haseul stared into kahei's eyes, "can i kiss you?" she asks her girlfriend. kahei laughs, "yes but not for long". haseul leans in and kisses her. the kiss was short, but nice. "lets not let what happened last time, ever happen again" kahei sighs but a small smile escaped her lips.

kahei and haseul were shopping and kissed like any normal couple would, little did they know a certain student saw. im yeojin. the trouble maker of mrs wong's class. haseul hears a little gasp from behind a pole. she sees half of yeojins head poke out. as haseul tries not to shit herself, she walks over to yeojin. "hi yeojin, nice seeing you here" haseul greets her. "don't worry i won't tell anyone, just force mrs wong to give me a good grade and i'll shut my mouth" the ten year old yeojin deals. haseul agreed and went back to kahei. "what was that about?" she asks.
"ah, nothing" haseul chuckles nervously. she decides to tell kahei about it later...

haseul remembers the previous event. "yes.. we'll be careful" she sits up from the desk and hugs kahei. kahei kisses haseul's cheek. "i'll see you after work" haseul smiles and pecks kahei's hand. kahei watches as her girlfriend leaves the classroom.
students begin flooding into the classrooms. mrs. wong taught her students science and math whereas mrs. jo taught english and history. finally the clock hit 3pm. hundreds of children rushes out of the classrooms and began heading home. mrs. wong dismissed her students. the last one to exit was yeojin. as she left she pointed to mrs. wong's hand and said, "miss, you might want to hide that". kahei stares down at her hand and see's a faint lipstick mark, from where haseul had previously kissed her hand. "ah right, thank you yeojin" mrs. wong nervously wipes her hand.

haseul once again walks into kahei's classroom. "hi beautiful". kahei turns her head towards the door and smiles. the younger walked over to kahei's desk which is where she was seated. haseul kisses the top of kahei's head as she continues finishing her work. after a few minutes, kahei finally finishes. she stands up and hugs haseul. they got their stuff and began leaving the school. "good work today you too" the principal, Mrs. Ha complimented them. they thanked her and drove home to their apartment.

"ah im tired" haseul says flopping onto the couch. kahei sits next to her. haseul sits up and kisses kahei. kahei pushes them closer. their bodies pressed against each other. haseul unbuttons the first button of kahei's shirt. "ah, let's.. make dinner first" kahei says in between breaths, feeling puffed out. haseul whines but listens. they get up and head to the kitchen. "want to have spaghetti?" kahei suggest. haseul nods her head and gets the ingredients out. kahei mainly makes it while haseul somewhat helps, but is mostly just clinged to her. they finished making the dinner and ate together at the table. a little while after, they continued from where they left off before making dinner.


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