horror movies - ot12

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"guys i'm bored!" chuu calls out while approaching the couch. most of the members were sitting on the couch. gowon and hyejoo were playing video games in their bedroom, haseul and vivi were cleaning up a bit after dinner. and lastly kimlip and jinsoul were just chilling in their room. everyone on the couch looked up at chuu. "what should we play?" choerry asks. "why don't we just watch some movies together?" yves suggests. "ooh yes thats fun!" chuu says while walking over to yves. "yeojin, can you please get everybody so we can choose?" heejin asks politely. "yes of course!" yeojin says while running up to get the others.

"haseul! vivi! we are gonna watch movies go to the lounge room!" she says. "oh okay!" haseul responds and pulls vivi to the room. yeojin barged into jinsoul and kimlip's room. the two were just watching videos on jinsoul's phone and lying down. "hey guys! come watch movies with us!" she shouts. "yah alright yeojin, but knock next time" kimlip says getting up and taking jinsoul with her towards the lounge room. yeojin runs up to hyejoo and gowon's room and didn't bother knocking. she walked straight in. she saw hyejoo and gowon sitting up and making out. both girls got startled by yeojin randomly barging into their room. hyejoo looked over and saw yeojin giggling. "you guys seemed very focused on your games.." yeojin said while looking at the tv, it showed writing that said 'YOU'VE DIED' "yah shut it yeojin, what do you need?" hyejoo asks glaring at the younger girl. "we are gonna watch movies! so stop making out and hurry uppp" yeojin nags and runs back to the lounge. "come on lets go" gowon says pulling hyejoo towards the couch.

"all right! everybody is here so lets pick a movie!" chuu says excitedly. they scroll around on netflix for around 5 minutes, "hey what about that one!" yeojin points to the tv. she was pointing at a movie called 'Hush'. yves pressed on the movie and read the description, 'A deaf writer who retreated into the woods to live a solitary life must fight for her life in silence when a masked killer appears in her window'. "does everyone wanna watch it?" yves asked everybody. "Yes" they all replied. yves started the movie. "ah why am i already scared..." chuu said quietly while holding onto yves. yves giggled at her. yeojin and choerry were excited and sat up in their seats. meanwhile hyejoo and gowon weren't scared and they just sat next to each other, hyejoo had her arm around gowon's shoulder. kimlip and jinsoul were both pretty freaked out but they just clinged onto each other. heejin and hyunjin were just laughing at all the couples being scared at the sudden noises. vivi and haseul were both very scared, haseul tried hidding behind vivi's shoulder many times.

suddenly a huge jumpscare happened and everyone screamed, even hyejoo. everyone covered their eyes and began slightly laughing and in shock. chuu and haseul were laughing at each other because they both had tears in their eyes from being so scared. after a little more terror and jumpscares, the movie finally ended. "that was horrible.." chuu mumbled. "agreed.." they all said. "why don't we all go to sleep now? its already 12:50" haseul said. "yeah we probably should sleep" jinsoul says while getting up. they all got up off the couch and walked with their partner to their bedrooms.

as soon as kimlip got into bed she was asleep in 5 minutes. "its way past your usual bedtime" jinsoul says quietly laying next to her. she kissed her forehead and snuggled next to the sleeping girl. she fell asleep a while later.

"that was so scary yves, idk how i'm gonna be able to sleep now.." chuu says, laying on her back. "its all right chuu, it was just a movie.". yves says tiredly, she snuggled her face into the side of chuu's neck. "and i'm here, its okay so go to sleep" she says lovingly. chuu feels instantly at ease. they both fall asleep quickly afterwards.

"i can't believe i actually cried" haseul laughed. "neither, you're more of a scaredy-cat than i thought" vivi teased. they both lied down next to each other. "let's hope you don't have any nightmares tonight haseul" vivi giggled. "yahh vivi i won't, you were scared too" haseul whined. vivi turned her head towards haseul and kissed her. "goodnight love" vivi said. "goodnight vivi" haseul smiled and cuddled her.

"the others are so funny when they are scared" heejin laughed while walking into the bedroom. "yeojin's face was so funny" hyunjin also began laughing. "your face was even funnier though" hyunjin said. "i barely even got scared what are you talking about" heejin lied. "sure sure" hyunjin said. heejin got into bed whereas hyunjin sat at her keyboard next to heejin. heejin looked at her confused. "i'm just gonna practice a little bit on my keyboard, i would use the piano but its too loud." hyunjin said. heejin nodded. hyunjin turned the volume down a little and began playing random songs. heejin was listening and smiling. hyunjin started to play 'Vivid'. heejin looked at her. hyunjin returned the glance and smiled. heejin began quietly singing along with hyunjin's. when the song finished hyunjin also got into bed and they fell asleep.

"choerry that movie was so creepy.." yeojin said clinging to choerry's arm as they walked into their bedroom. "i know right, your screams sounded so funny" choerry said. they both laughed together and sat down on the bed. choerry leaned over and kissed yeojin on the cheek, choerry laughed at yeojin's blank expression. when yeojin snapped back into reality and smiled and started attacking choerry with kisses all over her face. "ahhh no more yeojinnn!" choerry said giggling. they both heard two loud knocks on the other side of the wall. the room next to them was hyejoo and gowon. "be quiet!" hyejoo shouted sleepily. "yah sorry!!" yeojin replied. they both gigled quietly and fell asleep.

"jeez those two are loud" hyejoo says grogily. "its okay they are quiet now" gowon says, laying on hyejoo's chest. hyejoo stayed quiet. gowon looked up because she expected her to say something. she locked eyes with hyejoo. hyejoo got a little flustered because she got caught staring. "were you staring at me?" gowon smirks. hyejoo blushed and looked away. gowon giggled because she could feel hyejoo's heart beat faster. hyejoo looked her in the eyes again. gowon leaned forward and kissed her lips. hyejoo put her hands on gowon's cheeks. "let's go to sleep" hyejoo said putting gowon's head down on her chest.

(i hope this wasn't boring and this is quite long 😯)

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