pockey challenge - ot12

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"guys i have a fun game we can play!" choerry yells. all the members flow into the living room and sit everywhere. "lets do the pockey challenge" choerry says raising an eyebrow. mostly everyone agreed so they begain. the pairs were, chuu & yves, vivi & haseul, kimlip & jinsoul, choerry & yeojin, hyunjin & heejin and of course, hyejoo & gowon.

"okay who wants to go first?" choerry asks everyone. "we'll go!" chuu says glancing at yves. they both agree and chuu grabs a pockey stick and places it in between her teeth smiling. chuu stays still while yves is coming closer and closer. their lips touch but they are used to it so they continue. they finish with the pockey stick being around 3cm long. "you guys did good!" yeojin says while giggling a bit. they girls thank yeojin.

"okay well then, whos next?" yves said rasing an eyebrow while holding a pockey stick. "no one wants to go next?" yves asks. "well then, here you go heejin" yves says while handing the pockey to heejin forcefully. heejin is flustered but doesn't bother refusing. "come here hyunjin" heejin says patting the spot infront of her. hyunjin shuffles in front of her. hyunjin snatched the pockey stick from heejin and put it in between her teeth. "yahhh why do i have to do it" heejin whines. everyone laughed at them. "ughh fine" heejin says. heejin leans in a starts biting the stick down until shes really close to hyunjin. they slightly touch lips. "good job! you guys got it down to 4cm!" haseul yells. heejin's face is a bit red but the next team continues.

"vivi and haseul, you're up!" choerry yells. vivi shuffles in front of haseul. haseul puts the pockey stick in between her teeth. vivi starts getting closer. their faces were really close but they weren't very phased. vivi tried to bite it as short as she could but her face started to heat up and so was haseul's so she backed up a little early. "3.6cm!" choerry yells. haseul kissed vivi on the cheek in celebration. "okay next!"

"your turn jinsoul and kimlip!" choerry says smiling. "go lippie!" chuu teases. kimlip gives her a little glare. jinsoul sits in front of kimlip, she puts the pockey stick in between her teeth. "ah come on why do i have to do it.." kimlip whines. she gives up and starts shortening the stick. they become closer but kimlip is blushing to much so she ends it. "4.7cm!" jinsoul kisses kimlip as a little celebration. kimlip blushes more.

"okay yeojin lets do this!" choerry says. yeojin agrees and puts the stick between her teeth. choerry starts biting the stick. they become pretty close but they couldn't stop giggling. choerry accidentally bites it while laughing. "noo i didnt mean to!" choerry whines while still laughing. "hah only 4.4cm" hyejoo says. yeojin wacks choerry for making them not win. "hey but at least we still bet kimlip and jinsoul" choerry says winking. yeojin laughs. "yah! be quiet you too" kimlip says.

"alright, hyejoo and gowon your turn!!" choerry yells. gowon took the pockey and put in between her teeth. gowon shut her eyes. hyejoo started to shorten the stick. they were becoming closer. gowon could feel hyejoo's minty breath. she shivered slightly. hyejoo noticed and put her hand over one of gowon's that was resting in her lap. they were incredibly close now. their lips touched and they both smiled a little. hyejoo being the competitive person she is, she really tried to win. then they finished. "woah! 2.3cm!?" choerry yells. gowon and hyejoo are surprised. they both stand up and celebrate. hyejoo hugs gowon, picks her up, then starts spinning her around. they both laugh. hyejoo kisses gowon after spinning. "since you guys won, the loser team has to pay for your meal when you go on a date." choerry says giggling. "What!!" kimlip and jinsoul say. but in the end they agree.

(sorry for not posting in like 3 days...forgive me)

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