introverts - hyewon

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"hey hyejoo, i'm throwing a party at our dorm tonight, wanna actually leave your room and join us?" sooyoung asks from the couch. "no, parties are shit" hyejoo responds bluntly. sooyoung rolls her eyes and continued watching her TV show. hyejoo spent most of the day just playing games or spending time with her girlfriend chaewon. eventually night came and people started coming in for the party. hyejoo just hid in her room. she doesn't like socializing much. she gets bored as the night progresses. she calls chaewon. "hey chae, are you busy?" she asks. "no why, do you need something?" chaewon says. "no i'm okay, but you should come over, sooyoung is throwing a dumb party and i'm so bored" hyejoo groans. "sure give me 20 minutes" chaewon says smiling over the phone. "ah thank you, bye" hyejoo hangs up. they were both excited about seeing each other. chaewon had a quick shower and got dressed, she wore a white collared shirt and black pants. she walked the 8 minute walk to hyejoo's apartment.

chaewon entered the apartment and saw many people dancing to loud music and drinking alcohol. she tried to avoid as many people as she could and just get to hyejoo's room. "hey chaewon!" chaewon turned around to see that her friend jiwoo had called out to her. "ah hi jiwoo" chaewon greets her. she quickly ends the conversation and hurries along. suddenly an unfamiliar man tries to strike up a conversation with her. "are you single?" he asks in a flirty tone. "uh-" chaewon feels someone hold her wrist and stand in front of her. "no she's not single." hyejoo made clear, she then pulled chaewon gently into her room. chaewon sat on her bed, "thank you for saving me" she says, "that was weird."
"who was he?" hyejoo asks quickly.
"i'm not sure but i think he's one of my classmates" she responds. hyejoo comes over and sits close next to her. chaewon rests her head on the jealous girl next to her. hyejoo lays down, taking chaewon down with her. hyejoo rolls on top of chaewon, she kisses up her neck and jaw. chaewon laughs feeling hyejoo's breath on her neck.

suddenly they heard a knock at the door. hyejoo really wanted to ignore it but chaewon insisted that she should answer the door. hyejoo groaned and hopped up from the bed. she opened the door to see jungeun and jinsoul at the door. "what do you two want?" hyejoo asks. jungeun peeps over her shoulder and see's chaewon sitting up on her bed. "hi chaewon!" jungeun says excitedly. chaewon got up and stood next to hyejoo in the door way. "hey jungeun, and jinsoul" she smiled. "chaewon why is your collar all messed up?" jinsoul smirks. a light blush spreads on chaewon and hyejoo's faces. chaewon fixed her collar. "ah what do you guys want?" hyejoo asks again. "we are looking for choerry, have you seen her?" jungeun replies. "yeojin's bedroom" hyejoo impatiently tells them before shutting the door. they hear jinsoul yell out "thanks!". chaewon and hyejoo go back to where they left off. they make out for awhile.

once again they hear a knock on the door. hyejoo sits up. "it could be important" chaewon said as she got up from underneath hyejoo to open it. chaewon answered the door to see the guy from before, clearly much more drunk now. "oh hey its you again, why are you all alone in this room?" he slurred his words. "ah i'm actually not alone" chaewon nervously chuckles. "oh no what luckly dude got a room with you?" he smirked. hyejoo appears and stands in the doorway next to chaewon. "i did." she answers coldly. "oh okay you guys are just friends" he smiled being relieved. hyejoo stared at him with disgust and disbelief. "we aren't just friends actually." hyejoo stated. the dude raised his eyebrow. chaewon just stood there silently. hyejoo reached her hand up and pulled the collar of chaewon's shirt down slightly, revealing a hickey. hyejoo smirked seeing the dude understand what she was indicating. he groaned and walked away from the doorway. hyejoo shut the door and locked it this time. chaewon was surprised at how hyejoo handled that situation, she was awesome. hyejoo held chaewon's hand and took her back to her bed. chaewon just starred at hyejoo, "thank you for getting rid of him, you were so cool" chaewon complemented her. hyejoo just smiled and kissed chaewon's lips.


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