Chapter 2 - sister, sister

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25th November

Rosetta's POV:

"To Lily and her unborn baby!" We all cheers, Lily finally told everyone so we decided to all get together to show her we'll be there for her and the baby of course.
"Regulus is a great name for a boy you know" Reg comments as he looks at Lily who rolls her eyes
"Shut up Reg" Kayla intervenes
"I've been struggling with names for a boy." Lily admits "for a girl I was thinking Jasmine, you know carrying on with the names of flowers and that" Lily speaks up from next to Alice who is also pregnant
"We have already settled on our names" Alice speaks up
"Don't leave us in the dark!" I call
"Well for a girl we like Natalie and for a boy we like Neville" she tells us
"That's so cute" Kayla squeals
"What would you name a boy Rose?" Lily eyes me, clearly trying to wind me up in front of James but I do have a name in mind
"I always liked the name Harry" I admit
"Awww that's cute" Lily gushes before she looks away contemplating something "I may need to steal that, I love it"
"It's nice to see you coming around to the idea of having a baby" Remus speaks all our minds
"I had a dream, like a parallel dream, one with the baby and one without, the one without actually felt lonely and I realised this could be a very good thing. My baby whether it be Harry or Jasmine could be a wonderful blessing" I roll my eyes
"That's my favourite name hands off"
"What gender was the baby in your dream?" James asks her
"A boy"
"Maybe it's a prophecy" Rory announces from next to Kayla and his wife Rosalie who is very quiet still not being used to our group
"I wish I had a dream to tell me the gender then I could start buying baby things now" Alice moans
"And start decorating the nursery!" Kayla squeals again
"Should i be scared?" Reg asks
"I think Kayla might want a baby" i tell him
"Give her a baby Reg!" Sirius calls, Remus rolls his eyes at his husbands antics "And why aren't you pregnant yet Rose, get a move on!" And Sirius is definitely drunk
"Shut it or lose it" i mime zipping my mouth shut
"Oooh feisty"
"Right your drunk I'm taking you home" Remus gets up grabbing Sirius as he goes
"Congratulations Lily, sorry about Sirius" Remus gestures to Sirius who is talking to James saying they should have a baby because everyone else is
"It's fine what did we expect from him" she laughs and a very drunk Sirius stumbles after Remus

"Hally" I call my helpful house elf who I adore "you know what to do" the little elf walks off but not before giving me a wink to tell me she understands. Not even 5 minutes later Hally brings in the cake I made which is decorated with blue and pink icing around the edges and the sides and on top in black icing is the word 'Congratulations'
"Aww Rose, thank you" Lily starts crying
"Don't cry" Alice rubs her back
"Hormones" Lily motions to her face "can I have some cake?" She asks giving me the puppy eyes
"Sure" I reply as Hally brings in plates and a knife which I hand to James to cut the cake, he does so quickly and hands us all a piece.
"Wow this is amazing" Lily moans and I laugh

The rest of the night goes smoothly as we all just chat and have fun messing around like we do.


26th November

"James!" No answer "James!" I repeat, still nothing, must have been called into work I wonder as I get changed and head straight for the fireplace downstairs to head to Lily's, we're going shopping.

I arrive in Lily's apartment to find her in the kitchen eating
"Hungry?" I speak up trying to hold in a laugh
"Starving" she replies and I nod in response, she finishes and we head out into muggle London.
"Where do you want to go?" I ask her
"Maybe get some new clothes since my stomachs going to grow, I'm going to need bigger clothes" she comments
"Sure" we head down and go from shop to shop stopping for Lily to buy clothes in every one "Really another clothes shop? I think you've got enough clothes" I huff as she pulls me into the next one. She stops at one section which has, I'm sure you can guess, baby clothes.
"Look at the cute dresses" she picks up a sparkly pink dress
"That's very cute but you don't know the gender yet so put it down and let's go" I have to forcefully pull her out of the shop.
"I cannot believe I have to wait until January to find out what the gender is" Lils sulks
"Time will fly by" I suggest
"Easy for you to say your not the one who's pregnant" she moans
"Stop moaning your fine, besides at the end of all this you will have a gorgeous baby, it'll be worth it"
"Yeah" she sighs

The time leading up to the gender reveal is going to be painful if this is what she's going to be like.

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