Chapter 18 - parenthood

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7th March

Rosetta's POV:

We spent the day at the beach for my birthday, a beach in America so we could actually go out as a little family without Harry being recognised.

It was wonderful, the sand was soft, Harry played in the sand and James took him down to show him the water, James came back soaked as Harry kept splashing which was very cute but I couldn't help but feel like I'm stealing these moments off of Lily and what made it worse is when I picked him up whilst James was packing everything to take back home and Harry said mama. It stumped me and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it as I lay here in bed.

I see Harry being picked on, being called an orphan. Classmates constantly bringing it up and an older Harry bringing it up himself.

The image changes but shows the exact same people but it's different. I'm not sure how I know that's an older Harry I just do. He's sat around with a group of faceless people and he smiles before saying
"You can stay at mine for the break my mum won't mind"

The scene changes again to an even older looking Harry with a few faceless people around him
"If my parents knew this was happening they'd have a fit"
"Well I haven't got any of those have I" Harry snaps

The scene changes again to Harry in the Hogwarts hospital wing surrounded by faceless people once again.
"Mums going to kill me"
"I'm sure your parents won't kill you"
"Dad won't but mum will"
"She's just worried about you"
"I know"

These odd back and forth scenes continue until I sit upright in bed making a big decision, instead of waiting for my husband to get up I poke him a couple of times,
"What are you doing?" He mumbles, I poke him again and he finally gives in sitting up "what?" He huffs
"How do you feel about raising Harry as our own?"
"What?" He asks confused rubbing his eyes slightly trying to wake himself up a bit
"My dreams were plagued by scenes of Harry growing up without parents and him growing up with us as his parents, I think it's the right thing to do, he will be famous when he re-enters this world properly and isn't it better if he has that support system at home." I barely breathe as I get it all out
"We'll support him no matter what" he states matter of factly
"Every kid should have loving parents" I tilt my head looking for a reaction
"Look I agree every kid should have loving parents but don't you feel it would be a bit insulting to Lily's memory" he finally faces me
"We would tell him eventually but besides that I think Lily would be thinking the same as me if it was the other way round, I know it's not fair, she should be here to raise him but she's not and if it was the other way round ,cross my heart, I'd want her to do the same to minimise the difficulties and pain later in his life." I tell him whole heartedly. He stays silently for a while looking around the room in contemplation, he finally nods.
"Okay?" I question
"What do you want me to say? I agree that he should have loving parents and you know I'll always follow you" he kisses my cheek "and I love you but I'm tired and I'm in work tomorrow so I need to sleep" he lays back down laying on his back, I lay down with him laying my head on his bare chest and he rubs circles on my arm.
"Sorry for waking you" I squeak lightly, he lets out a breathy laugh
"It's fine, now go to sleep baby girl, first day of proper parenthood tomorrow" I nod before finally settling into a deep dreamless sleep.

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