Chapter 24 - awkward

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31st July

Rosetta's POV:

I've been preparing for this day for weeks, Harry's 1st birthday. He'll turn 1 today, I'm not sure I'm ready.

"Stop stressing, your stressing me out" James rubs my shoulders before going back to putting up banners
"I know, I know, I just want this to be perfect" i tell him wholeheartedly
"Relax, besides he's 1 he's not going to remember this" I grab my cardigan roll it up into a ball and throw it at the back of his head "why?" He turns around
"I'll remember it and I'll be taking lots of pictures so it has to be perfect"
"Do you want to finish that sentence" I hold up a book, he raises his hands up in surrender and turns back around to finish putting up the last banner. "That's what I thought" I nod putting the book down, I hear him snort trying not to laugh, I roll my eyes before going into the kitchen to get the cupcakes.


The parties in full swing, Kayla won't stop eating, Reg is making stupid faces at Pansy whilst Rosalie tries to take pictures of her. Rory's hiding out in the kitchen, James is sat on the floor with Remus and Harry who is playing with a big wooden train. I stand to the side noting that once again Petunia ignored an invite, she didn't even go to Lily's funeral, how messed up is that?

Whilst I'm doing nothing I decide to take some of Harry's new toys including a few wooden jigsaws, building blocks and a few teddies upstairs to his room.

Heading back downstairs I find Rory in the living room with everyone else but he's in the corner with Rosalie. They're getting louder,
"It's a kids party what could you possibly have to moan about?!"
"Nothing, I've said that, I just don't want to...."
"What? spend time with your daughter or nephew?" Rosalie's voice raises and i notice the others are sparing glances in there direction
"That's not what I said!"
"Oh please, anytime I try to get you to spend time with Pansy your reluctant, what's your problem with our daughter! Your daughter!?" I glance at James and he nods clearly thinking the same as he gets up and walks over to the two
"Maybe we should take a step back before someone says somethin-" James tries
"If you hate us so much why don't you just leave!?"
"Like that" James stands next to them clearly uncomfortable
"If you don't trust that I care for you both then maybe I should!" All of us are just blatantly staring at them now with our mouths wide open in shock
"Fine!" Rosalie heads for the door with Pansy who is now crying adding to the atmosphere
"Rosalie" I try to stop her
"Oh please, don't pretend to care" she opens the door as I follow only for her to slam it shut right in front of me. I swallow thickly, a tear falling down my face, I try to gain back some control and head back to the living room

"That was unacceptable, we've been planning this for a while, I know your having problems but this wasn't about you-" I head past everyone else in the living room going straight for the kitchen where James and Rory are now arguing
"Quit it both of you" i state calmly, I turn to Rory "your staying here tonight" he goes to speak but I speak over him "this is none negotiable, now can we please not end this party on a bad note" I walk back into the living room to see Remus and Kayla are distracting Harry with different toys. I head towards them and sit down joining in .


"Well that was a nightmare" James states as he gets into bed next to me but I simply turn away "Rose, darling" he kisses my shoulder continuously until I turn around
"You didn't help the situation"
"I know, and I'm sorry for that" I smile sadly
"I can't believe they couldn't put aside there issues for one day for there nephew"
"Yeah but I think that's been building up for a while"
"I don't think it's that Rory doesn't care I just don't think he knows what he's doing and that scares him and instead of dealing with that he's becoming defensive" I tell him turning fully over to face him, he hums
"There both incredibly fiery and instead of talking about it nicely they just scream at each other, they need to learn to communicate" I conclude
"If they still want to" he pauses "they are both very stubborn"
"If they don't it won't just affect them but Pansy to, I hope they see that before they ruin everything"

"At least Harry's party was memorable" James changes the topic
"I did want it to be memorable" I recall.

It goes silent and I notice James' face form into a look I really don't like
"Oh no, what?"
"What?" He asks confused
"You've got that look"
"What look?"
"That 'I want to say something but you won't like it' look"
"I have a specific look for that?"
"Yes, it's almost as frustrating as your 'I'm about to make an annoying suggestive comment' look" he laughs loudly
"I'll keep that in mind"
"Well go on"
"You wanna..." he winks
"No!" I groan "what did you want to say before?" I shake my head disappointed
"If Rosalie and Rory don't make up is Rory going to end up living here?" he asks but I can hear the clear distaste in his voice
"Do you not like my brother?" I ask sitting up
"No, no, no, that's not, no, I just meant because when we start having our own kids it just might be a bit weird if your brothers here, we do need our own privacy"
I bypass the kids comment
"We'll just have to see, but I think they'll make up" I nod firmly

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