Chapter 19 - birthday date

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27th March

James POV:

I wake up to the sound of singing, I stretch out and turn over to see my gorgeous wife at the side of my bed holding out a plate of bacon and buttered bread
"......happy birthday to you!!" I chuckle as I sit up taking the food, eagerly I dig in "what do you say?" Her melodic laugh tickles my ears as she whispers close to me
"Thank you beautiful" she sits on the bed
"What are your plans for the day birthday boy?"
"Don't worry it's all planned out" I lay my head back against the headboard
"Oh yeah" she raises her eyebrows
"Rory and Rosalie are having Harry" i tell her
"Why? If you want to go out with the boys I can have him" she states confused
"Can't I want an alone day with my lovely wife for my birthday?"
"Of course you can but you have me all the time why not do something different?" I place the plate on the bedside grab her and pull her on the bed positioning her underneath me.
"That I do, but we haven't been on a proper date since you were in school because of the war and having Harry; so I'm taking you out" she rolls her eyes
"And where are we supposedly going?" She asks, I lean down and kiss her nose
"No fun in telling"
"How am I supposed to know what to wear if you don't tell me?"
"Something cute but comfortable" I kiss her cheek and get off the bed heading to the bathroom to have a shower before the great day ahead.
"Your a pain!" I hear her huff and I simply laugh


I hear someone apparate outside, I head to the window checking to see if I have to hide Harry but it's just Rory, Rosalie and Pansy.
I'm at the door before they knock
"Hello glorified babysitters" I swing the door open dramatically
"Charming" Rory rolls his eyes walking passed me
"Why are we glorified babysitters?" Rosalie asks as she also enters into the living room following me and Rory
"Because your family, we don't have to pay you" I laugh to myself as I sit on the floor picking up building blocks to make a house for Harry to play with.
"James!" I chuckle as my wife enters the room "of course we'll pay you back sometime, we're happy to babysit anytime" she tells her brother and his wife
"We will?" I question surprised, she glares in my direction "we will" I direct to the other adults in the room.
"Okay there's food in the kitchen, just needs heating up, if you can't find anything Hally's here or feel free to send a patronus and I can nip back, do not let Harry nap on the sofa he fidgets a lot and...." I head over to my wife grabbing her hand
"They do have a child they'll know what to do and don't get in touch with us, just ask Hally she knows everything." I apparate us out and into a gorgeous park. But before I know it we're back in the living room
"Do contact me if you need to" Rose spits out before apparating us back to the park. I roll my eyes but take her hand leading her over to a beautiful flower bed looking out at the path in front of us.
"Come on" I pull gently on her hand
"Where are we going?" She asks looking at the long path in the distance
"There's a walk to this beautiful café with gorgeous views, it's called Rose Valley; perfect right?" I'm now stood in front of her my arms wide feeling proud of myself.
"Why are we walking there?" She asks confused
"Because it's a nice walk, come on"


Warning - inappropriate comment incoming
——————————-  - will show when it's been said

"Why do you hate my legs?" Rose complains walking a couple of steps behind me, I turn around walking backwards a couple of steps
"Oh come on we've only been walking ten minutes" I grin "besides I definitely do not hate your legs, especially when there wrapped around my waist" I wink and she glares at me unimpressed
"Your disgusting" I laugh
"You married me, what does that say about you?"
"That I'm insane"
"I love you anyway" she rolls here eyes
"I love you too but if I have to walk any longer I'm going to lose it"

"It's not far now" I start walking forwards again
"You said that two minutes ago" she moans "if I had known we were walking I wouldn't have worn heels" I roll my eyes before grabbing her hand and apparate us right outside the café. "Oh thank goodness, I love you more now" she walks ahead of me opening the door of the café for me
"Of course you do, and this makes me uncomfortable" I comment
"What does?" she asks as she follows me to a window table
"You opening the door for me" i state as it is obvious
"Your my princess, that's my job and so is this" I quickly pull her hand away from the chair and pull it out for her myself "m'lady"
"Don't you feel like this is a little over the top?" She asks as she sits down and I head back around to my seat
"I promised you a proper romantic date, the manners come with it" i tell her smiling lightly
"And it's not for attention at all?" She chuckles
"Of course not, I'm quite offended you'd think so" we stay silent for a minute, me grasping my shirt acting like I'm offended, before we both laugh.


Once we finish eating we head outside to the rose garden at the back, my Rose goes ahead looking at all the flowers as I take out my camera snapping a couple of pictures, she turns around hearing the noise, she blushes seeing the camera.
"Have to capture that pretty picture gorgeous"
"Of course you do" she heads over to me wrapping her small arms around my neck standing on her toes she kisses my cheek. "So where to now?" She asks
"Ah, a surprise" i bop her on the nose before taking her hand and apparating us to a cliff.
"What are we doing on a cliff?" She asks going to turn around but I quickly cover her eyes
"Close your eyes" i tell her softly
"Why? James?"
"Trust me" I whisper in her ear before turning her around and walking her forward a few steps "okay open" she goes silent looking out at the castle that started it all.
"Aparecium" I cast the spell and the basket of sweet treats I had gone to get from home when I managed to slip away to the toilets at the café reappeared.
"When did you get them?" She asks surprised looking at the variety of fruit, chocolate and sweet treats
"When I said I needed the toilet in the café I didn't, I headed home to grab these" she chuckles blushing
"How long have you actually been planning this?" She asks
"A little over a week" I reply sheepishly
"You remember it's your birthday and not mine right?" She questions shaking her head
"There's nothing I'd rather be doing on my birthday than treating my girl" she blushes more going almost as red as her hair. "Shall we?" We sit down looking out at the castle that started this, Hogwarts, the place I owe this amazing life to, I feel a slight weight on my shoulders and see Rose has put her head there.
"Thank you" she kisses my neck lightly "happy birthday" she pulls out a little package from her bag and hands it to me sitting up.

I unwrap it happily to find a very big book, or more specifically a scrapbook full of pictures, some from when I was young which she must have found in the house and ones with the marauders and a lot with me and Rose.
I look at every picture with her, we reminisce on the time and I tell her the backstory of funny pictures from my childhood, she listens intently, laughing loudly at some of the more embarrassing childhood stories that I just had to share.

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