Romana's POV
_________________________________________________"He said what!" I barked making Isabella flinch, I didn't mean for it to come out like that especially at her.
I sighed, lowering my voice "I'm sorry, what does he want me to do?"
"He said, he needs a report on your documentary before he gets back" I scratched my head in frustration.
"When will he get back?" she cringed, the look on her face telling me it won't be a reasonable time.
"Two hours?" I gasped and rushed out of bed to go freshen up but rushed back in when I remember Isabella at the door.
"Thanks Isabella" she smiled and nodded taking her leave.
I cleaned up and tried to gather all the papers and notes I had taken so far, leaving out Veronica's interview of course.
I opened my laptop and was about to put my code in when my hand hovered over the keyboard.
It will be their death anniversary in a week, a day before my birthday.
I sighed but shook away the feeling so that I could get this report done.
I was about an hour and thirty minutes in when I heard footsteps rushing to my bedroom, the door burst open and a frantic Isabella holding a phone stood their.
"Eros" she managed to get out on the verge of tears, my heart sank and I rushed over to her and embraced her afraid she would fall from whatever news she had just received.
"W-what happened!?" I rushed.
"I don't know but he's in the hospital, we have to go now" I nodded and grabbed my phone rushing down the stairs and out to the garage with Isabella.
My hands were shaky and sweaty when I reached for the door. We hopped in, Isabella taking the drivers seat and we rushed out of the yard.
We drove at steady speed down the highway and into the city, passing my old apartment and workplace along the way. We reached the hospital and drove into the parking lot, turning off the car and rushing out.
We headed into the hospital with quick steps and walked up to the receptionist, she gave us a small smile that quickly faltered when she saw our state.
"Eros Des'aire" we said in unison, the nurse nodded.
"Room 50" we rushed away not even bothering to thank the nice nurse. We entered the elevator and soon we were on the top floor rushing down the corridor and standing infront of room 50.
Eros was awake and he looked well, so what was happening? Isabella herself looked confused but it doesn't hide the fact that he was in the hospital and hooked up to tubes.
He was talking to a doctor when he spotted us, the doctor said something to him and nodded then he walked out.
"You ladies must be, Isabella and Romana?" He greeted closing the door behind him, We nodded.
"Well, Mr. Eros met in accident at work and fell unconscious" we gasped and I looked over at him through the doors glass meeting his intense gaze.
"Something to note, we did find traces of pentobarbital in his system" he eyed us waiting for a reaction Isabella looked even more confused so I spoke up.
"And that means?" The doctor smiled warmly.
"Someone tried to drug him but it was controlled... Meaning it was administered by a professional or instructed by a professional" we nodded understanding.
"Does he know?"
"He is informed but insist that nothing happens... We have to put it on file but as to respect our patients decision no authority was alerted" we nodded thanking the doctor and he left, giving us the go ahead to see him.
We finally entered the room, Eros eyeing us with his emotionless stares as usual, Isabella seems unaffected but I never get use to it.
She rushed to his side making sure he was okay.
"Mi hijo what happened?"
"Nothing" he remarked but the slight flicker of his eyes told me it wasn't the truth and she knew too but she didn't push.
"I'm okay, Isabella" he reassured before turning his gaze back onto me, something like anger or betrayal shone in his eyes and I looked down in shame. What was I guilty for?
"Isabella can I please have a moment with Ms. Feretti" she nodded and excused herself but not before giving me a knowing smile.
I crept over to his bed and took the chair beside it.
"How are you?" I began gulping, I was nervous for no reason!! My heart was beating erratically in my chest.
"Like any other day" he shrugged "I just want to get out of here".
"What really happened?" I questioned, he maintained a firm gaze but a sly smirk played at his lips.
"You tell me Ms. Feretti" my brows drew together in confusion.
"Where did you go, two nights ago... When you snuck out" a shocked look took over my face while an amused look played on his.
I stuttered "I- no where" I lied, I gulped when he gave me very calm yet scary look.
"So you rome aimlessly in the night?" I looked down fear taking over my bones.
"I Just met up with a friend" I said and his eyebrows purked up.
"A friend?" I nodded hopeful that he didn't actually know the truth.
"What does that have to do with why your in the hospital anyways?" I asked hoping to deflect his accusations, that were maybe accurate.
He looked away from me and leaned back on the bed with his eyes closed.
I felt like I could breath with his eyes not looking into my soul.
"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt" he said totally ignoring my question, a breath of relief left me "for now" he continued.
His voice held so much conviction in them, I just had to tread lightly now. The life of a journalist I thought to myself now realizing how selfish it could get.. not caring about who it might hurt or what trouble it might get you in as long as it gets you a story and the more troubling the better.
A vicious cycle.
"You owe me a report Ms. Feretti" came his voice disturbing my thoughts I blinked confused for a moment then it came back to me.
"It's not finished..."
"How comes?" I scoffed and folded my arms across my chest.
"I'm sorry but we were disturbed by an emergency" I sassed unfolding my hands to gesture around the room. His head was still pressed against the bed, eyes still closed in resting.
"Head home, Ms. Feretti... Isabella is waiting" my lips thinned, realizing that I wasn't going to get much from him so I just nodded rising from the chair.
"I'll be home by morning make sure it's on my desk then"
"Okay boss" I drawled rolling my eyes and walking over to the door, he chuckled lightly surprising me by the act, I've never heard him laugh before, it sounded warm and sexy. I wanted to hear it again and again.
I smiled to myself about to open the door when his voice stopped me "oh and Ms. Feretti?" I turned to him, hand pausing on the door knob.
"Your little challenge Is still on" his eyes were now on me, a sexy smirk playing on his lips and it made me doubt how long I could actually keep this going.
Thanks for reading!

The Psychopath | 18+
RomanceUnedited. Romana Feretti broke and alone, is desperately trying to pursue the life she had envisioned for herself ever since her parents death and that is to become a professional journalist for Scottsdale news. With one phone call and a meeting, sh...