Hey there! Author here.... If you've noticed the updates for this book has slowed down. I was starting to not feel it anymore as the lack of interaction from my readers made my motivation to write this book dead.
Writer's get encouraged when they see comments on what the readers like and don't like; constructive criticism.
It helps with the development of the boon and the writer as many of us are just beginning our writing journey and whether we admit it or not, we seek some form of validation from the readers as it helps us get a better understanding of our audience for a specific book and or genre.
So please, with all the kindness in my heart, give feedback. It helps, more than you can imagine.
I won't ditch the book but I won't update often, I'm also working on the sequel to Friday (Kai and onika's story) and two other books that's I'm very excited about so stay tuned for those.
Anyways, thanks for stopping by again. See you soon ;)

The Psychopath | 18+
RomanceUnedited. Romana Feretti broke and alone, is desperately trying to pursue the life she had envisioned for herself ever since her parents death and that is to become a professional journalist for Scottsdale news. With one phone call and a meeting, sh...