Romana's POV
_________________________________________________"Take a seat Ms. Feretti" he said, the creepy smile still plastered on his face.
I hesitated "I don't bite" he chuckled which made my nervous state even worse.
I slowly made my way over there, his eyes following my every movement, it sent a weird feeling down to the pit of my stomach but I can't say that his gaze wasn't attractive.
I took the small office chair adjacent to his desk and he took his.
"Okay so I would want you to get some rest before we begin but it is up to you" he said.
"I would rather begin, since I'm already here"
he nodded "suit yourself" I pulled out my small notebook from my jacket and my pen, this first interview was a bit impromptu but I guess it would be a good look on my part.
"Tell me about yourself" I stated, he looked off to the side, face void of any emotions and deep in thought.
"I'm Eros Des'aire, CEO of Zues a tech company that specializes in A.I. I'm thirty three and I live alone" he said with a smile, it seemed chilling like something else was hidden underneath it.
I jotted everything down on my notepad and when I looked back up my breath hitched in my throat at the look he was giving me. I froze and my hands started to tremble, he didn't have a smile on his face anymore and his eyes seemed dead, he leaned Forward.
"Get to the point Ms. Feretti, I know what you want to ask." His voice was cold and sent shivers down my spine.
"What do you mean?" I whispered getting intimidated.
"You want to know if I'm mad, what's it's like being a psychopath, hm? Am I a killer? Do I snap and become, uncontrollable?" my eyes widened, why would he thinks such things.
"I- Mr. Des'aire please... I'm only here to document your business journey, I'm not here to judge" I explained in a rush, his features remained unmoving, I sighed and straighten in the seat, I'll give him what he wants.
"Fine, When were you diagnosed?" I asked, He tilted his head to the side.
"For?" I gritted my teeth.
"Psychopathy" this first meeting is so unprofessional.
"It's an interesting word isn't it?" he said, tapping his finger on his chin "psychopath.... It sounds chilling " the drawl of his words didn't make his deep sinister voice any better. What do I say to a man like this? He noticed my concern and dropped his foolery.
"Age twelve" he said answering my question, he had realized that I went blank and anxiety started to take over. He leaned back in his chair and a shadow from the now impending evening casted over his face giving him a dark and ominous look.
I continued "how does knowing something like that made you feel?" I asked, I cringed internally at my questions, I sounded like an amateur therapist. Well I wouldn't know what questions an amateur therapist would ask.
He chuckled "good, I could put a name to all the interesting things I've been feeling or wasn't feeling" He rose from his chair, standing to his full height.
It made me realize just how trapped I was, sitting in the same room with a psychopath who could crush me between his fingers. He walked behind me. I didn't dare let my eyes follow him.
"It is an unpleasant thing to find out about, is it not? but I was different...." He trailed. I had long forgotten about my notebook as his voice held my breath.
"I know how it feels" I whispered.
"You know nothing rabbit!" Came his harsh voice by my ears, I jolted forward, frightened and my defense mechanism started to kick in.
He stood mere inches away from, a scary look took over his face. The room fell silent, I had dropped my notebook but I was afraid to pick it up, I didn't want to take my eyes off him, we stared at each other for what felt like forever but he was calm, just staring.
Was he playing tricks on me or was this really how a psychopath behaves... Uncontrollably as he said, he closed his eyes for brief second before creating some distance between and I felt like I could breath again.
"Let's finish this tomorrow" he said opening up the door, his tone changing to an eerily calm one. I nodded inching forward. He watched my every movement, tears brimmed the edge of my eyes as I shuffled from behind the chair.
I rushed passed him and bolted down the hall but I could feel his eyes on me, boring through the back of my head. I went through the room door Isabella had shown me and slammed the door shut before I slid down, meeting the floor with my bum.
I was overwhelmed, what did I get myself into? I didn't think it was going to be that bad... Did he not have control over his episode, was it even an episode? Or was he just testing me?
I began to hyperventilate, I held my chest tightly and fought for air. What is this? I thought to myself, did that man trigger a panic attack just from one meeting.
Your overreacting! My voice echoed, but I wasn't my chest felt like it was closing up and my head began to pound.
The door to my room opened and Isabella rushed to my side.
She scooped me up into her arms "shhh, it's alright" she soothed me, rocked me back and forth against the floor. I started to calm down, my heartbeat slowing down with each passing minute.
I looked up at her after some time and she smiled at me.
"I don't know what happened, he scared me Isabella" I explained, with a croaked voice.
"Shh, hush child, it's alright, your not the first" she whispered, I met her eyes with confusion written all over my face, I thought Adrianna said no one wanted to come. Did someone take up the challenge but never finished it. It made a sense of challenge take over me, that despite it's difficulty I wanted to finish it.
Isabella helped me get settled and I washed up and changed into my sleep wear, locking the door made me feel somewhat safe. So I didn't find it too hard to sleep but after some tossing and turning it finally came.
Were at the end of yet another chapter, remember to comment and let me know;
What do you think of Mr. Des'aire?
Did Romana act exaggeratedly?
What about Isabella, how can she live with a man like him?
Is he acting like a psychopath but is not truly is one?
Let me know your theories..
Edited 19/2/23

The Psychopath | 18+
RomanceUnedited. Romana Feretti broke and alone, is desperately trying to pursue the life she had envisioned for herself ever since her parents death and that is to become a professional journalist for Scottsdale news. With one phone call and a meeting, sh...