Romana's POV
_________________________________________________I looked down on the GPS that read Pittsburgh Avenue then back up at the gate that had the exact same address on it.
A little house showed through the bushes not too far off, but I had no idea how to get there, what was I even doing here in the first place, I sighed.
Remember your job comes first.
My voice echoed making me roll my eyes, I was indeed a very enthusiastic journalist, out in the middle of nowhere against the will of the man who is paying Scottsdale his hard-earned money to have me cover his story.
I scoffed, peachy. If he should find out it would be the end of me and my career as I knew it. I just had to hear what they have to say and leave, simple right.
Besides, Veronica is afraid of Eros be her story true or not so I don't think she wants to cross him, maybe she just wants people to hear her side.
Bribing me with the death of my parents is a low blow though, one as wrong as it sounded, I'd take, considering it'll ensure that I have a roof over my head and food on my table for the remainder of my life.
A blinding light pulled up from behind me and I whipped around, immediately covering my eyes from the harsh luminescence.
The vehicle turned off and the lights disappeared leaving the greyish hue of the evening.
The door opened and my breath hitched in my throat from anticipation of who it might be.
"Your here" the voice of Veronica sounded though not from the other figure I was staring at.
"I am" I replied seeing her emerge from behind the car door closing it behind her, the other figure showed itself and I was stunned to see who it was.
"Zues?" His mouth extended into that same creepy smile like last time.
"In the flesh darling" his voice held something in it that made my skin crawl and I knew I had to stay away from him.
Veronica's brow creased and she pointed between us "you two know each other?" I shook my head, Zues remaining silent.
She burst out laughing "you didn't tell her?" She asked directing to Zues who still had a ghostly smile plastered on his face.
"Didn't see a need to" he shrugged, now my brows raised in question.
"Tell me what?"
Veronica walked pass me to the gate totally ignoring the question I just asked while Zues leaned on the hood of the car.
"Hello.. tell me what?" I repeated looking back at Veronica who was opening the gate, she pulled it and walked back to the vehicle.
"Hop in and you'll find everything out soon" she said pulling the car door, Zues had already hopped in and with a sigh I followed suit and went in the back.
The drive was awkwardly silent all that could be heard was the sound of the tires rubbing against the gravel as we made our way to the house I saw not too long ago.
"We're here" we all got out to car and walked up to the little veranda, I looked around, there was nothing but woodland here.
It was dark and you could hear all the animals of the night, the only thing you could see was a little light coming from inside the house.
Who lived here?
Veronica took out a key and opened the door.
Did she live here?

The Psychopath | 18+
RomanceUnedited. Romana Feretti broke and alone, is desperately trying to pursue the life she had envisioned for herself ever since her parents death and that is to become a professional journalist for Scottsdale news. With one phone call and a meeting, sh...