_________________________________________________"Dextrose!" I yelled slamming the car door as I made my way out, he came rushing outside a worried look plastered on his face.
"Tell me what happened" he started I rushed passed him into his open garage to take one of his guns, him following behind me.
"We don't have time, grab your sniper and let's go I'll explain on the way" he nodded and did as told before we both rushed back to car and sped off. My heart was pounding and all sorts of demonic thoughts were flowing through my head.
What if she'd dead? Is he torturing her? Why couldn't he just take me!?
I felt a hand on my shoulder snapping me from my train of thoughts, I glanced over at dextrose, he noticed my knuckles turning white from holding the steering wheel in a death grip.
"Talk to me" he commanded lightly, I gulped and squeezed the wheel tighter.
"zues has her" I said through gritted teeth.
"Fuck" he muttered knowing what I was talking about without having to explain, he understood the magnitude of the situation, my brother lost most of his wealth and his family because of that trial so he had nothing to lose and a man with nothing to loose is a dangerous man, a ticking time bomb if you will.
"Where are we headed" he asked looking ahead at the lonely road that I turned unto.
"Home" the little farm house could be seen in the distance so I stopped abruptly and ordered dextrose to follow me out. This house held so much terrible memories, from the barn that my father beat me in to the basement that he r@ped zues in. It pained me to be back here.
We parked the car in some nearby bushes and ran up a small hill that overlooked the farm, the barn door was visible from here so if I could get zues at the entrance dextrose could get a clean shot.
"Alright, see that door?" I pointed to the barn door, he nodded.
"I'm going to try and get him as near to the entrance as possible and when you have a clean shot don't hesitate to kill him, even if that means shooting through me" he snapped his head up after I said the last part, sadness shone through his eyes but he reluctantly nodded.
He was a veteran and even though emotions were normal we never let them get in the way of what has to be done. I slapped him on the shoulder one last time as a form of goodbye before rushing back to the car and speeding off up the hill.
I only jammed my foot on the breaks and yanked the handbrake up before rushing out, I didn't bother turning the car off. I cautiously walked up to the door, it was open it was a big white draw door that you could let tons of animals through all at once.
When I walked in my heart dropped, Romana was tied to a chair in the center of the barn, the side of her face was bleeding and she had blood running through her nose. She was crying and her eyes pleaded for help as they looked at me, worst of all, zues was standing beside her with a gun pointed to her head.
I immediately brought my hands up "you don't have to do this zues, you know that?" I began as calmly as I could. He rolled his eyes.
"Don't start that guilt trip shit Eros, I'm only here for one thing" he replied menacingly, I took a cautious step forward, he didn't notice.
"And what is that?" I asked, glancing at Romana who had begun to start loosing consciousness, a slight panic took over me but I remained indifferent in front of Eros.
He tilted his head to the side in a taunting manner "to kill you obviously" my nerves shook when I realized his true intentions, he was far gone but still I tried pleading with him.
"Why the girl, she has nothing to do with this" he scowled at me and pressed the gun further into the side of her head jolting her awake in the process and making her begin to panic, her breathing would become difficult and he had gagged her making it worse.
"She has everything to do with it!" He yelled, "you took everything from me Eros! My family, my hard work and you what? Get to live scratch free!? No fuck that it's only right I take something that means a lot to you too"
I froze slightly at his analogy and he noticed piggy backing off of it.
"Oh, you thought I didn't know... Even a blind man could see that you fell in love with the bitch, maybe your psychopathy didn't see it but it is clear" I swallowed, and my facade began to falter because he was right and it's the thought of loosing her made me realize it.
"Zues just think this over" I begged taking another step closer he turned the gun away from her and pointed it at me, this was good.
"Stay the fuck back!" He screamed, his hands began to tremble and I saw that he was hanging by a thread.
"Zues please" I stepped forward again, he panicked and fired the first shot, I dodged it luckily and launched for him, we tackled to the floor and I managed to land a solid right in his jaw. He groaned but never let go of the gun.
He elbowed me in the face and straddled me as an opportunity to point the gun in my face but I was quick and knocked the gun out of his hands and towards the entrance of the barn.
He rushed quickly for the gun kicking me in the process, I tried my best to ignore the pain and and grabbed at his feet, he tried kicking me again and crawling for the gun at the same time, he managed to land one in my mouth and jumped forward almost reaching the gun.
This only pissed me off and yanked his feet down pulling him away from the nine millimeter and towards me, I jumped up on my feet and rushed passed him to grab the gun when I felt sharp pain shot through me.
The fucker stabbed me in the back, literally it distracted me enough for him to grab the gun and immediately landed two in my stomach, I heard a muffled scream from behind me.
I felt nothing in the moment become of adrenaline but I knew those two shots were fatal because they brought me to my knees. Blood immediately began to gush out soaking my shirt and instinctively I held my side to try and stop the bleeding.
I looked glanced behind him and saw that he was near the door but not clear enough for dextrose to get a clean shot. With what little strength I had I pushed forward and shoved him Infront of the door, he tumbled over but quickly scrambled to his feet with confusion written all over his face.
"What's wrong with you?, just die already!" I had landed on all fours and he walked just a bit closer to the door, perfect hovering over me and pointed the gun to my head.
"goodbye brother.. " he said squeezing the trigger.

The Psychopath | 18+
RomanceUnedited. Romana Feretti broke and alone, is desperately trying to pursue the life she had envisioned for herself ever since her parents death and that is to become a professional journalist for Scottsdale news. With one phone call and a meeting, sh...