Romana's POV
_________________________________________________Numb, that's the only word I could use to describe what was happening to me, everything was a haze a blur and moved too fast for my liking.
I felt like I was floating but not in clouds no, instead a snake infested grimy water that could take you in and drown you at any point, I sat beside the guy who I know killed zues and helped me, I didn't know his name or his relationship with Eros but I know what happened affected him just the same.
We sat in silence and waited in painful anticipation for the nurse or doctor to come give us a news we may never be prepared for even if we already knew it. Someone had contacted Isabella as she was out of the country, I didn't know if it was sniper guy and I didn't care.
She screamed and wailed and eventually she calmed down enough to book a flight for first thing tomorrow, I stared off into space at nothing in particular then the sound of a door bursting open caught both of our attentions.
"Ms. Romana?" I stood abruptly and raised my tired hand, I was to be in a hospital bed on fluids and resting but I insisted I stay right here and wait for news instead.
"That's me" she nodded walking over to us with pity in her eyes.
She sighed "it does not look good but we did manage to stabilize him" I gulped.
" Will he have a chance to live? " I feared the question but I asked anyways. She pursed her lips and glanced between both of us.
"That depends on how strong our patient is, the bullets did not permanently damage any major organs which is good but he did loose alot of blood and his body went into shock, we had to perform a transfusion" I nodded at the painful information, why was life like this.
"We just have to wait it out and see, his brain activity is weak so it's just us and time" she continued, we thanked her and she left . I couldn't help the overwhelming load of information and burst into tears, the guy who had been silent all along grabbed me when he realized I was fainting.
"Nurse!" He called out, I felt cold and sleepy but it didn't stop the tears from flowing.
"Sshh" he hushed brushing my hair, I don't know why he was comforting me but I needed it in the moment.
Not long after some nurse came rushing and called for some Porter's to put me on a bed, I was picked up and that is when I finally let exhaustion take over me.
I was awaken by the loud sing of a phone ringing, then a low grumble. I snapped my eyes open and was surprised to see Isabella and the same guy in my room, Isabella was cursing at her phone while he stood with his hands on his chin in thought.
I cleared my throat and both their heads snapped to me, "oh dear, your awake thank the heavens" Isabella mused thankfully, I tried sitting up but was stopped by her small hands.
"Rest child, your body took alot" I eased back and nodded.
"how long was I out for?" I croaked and reached up to touch my throat from the pain of me talking. Isabella reached for the glass on table and handed it to me.
"A week" I almost choked on the water and widened my eyes.
"A weak!?" I queried, she nodded with a sad look. "You took some serious hits to the head they said, you'd need lots of rest so that your body could rest properly" well that explains alot, Fucking Zues!
The guy cleared his throat and I glanced up at him, Isabella doing the same.
He stepped forward and took off his hat "I didn't get to introduce myself last time... I'm dextrose Eros's P.I" I stiffened at the mention of Eros name but forced a smile either way.

The Psychopath | 18+
RomanceUnedited. Romana Feretti broke and alone, is desperately trying to pursue the life she had envisioned for herself ever since her parents death and that is to become a professional journalist for Scottsdale news. With one phone call and a meeting, sh...