17. The Challenge

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Romana's POV

I woke up feeling quite refreshed despite the disturbing information I had received yesterday. I hadn't pondered on it too much as I could not only take Veronica's word for it over having hard evidence.

So with a cautious mind and a confused heart I got up, freshened up myself, ate my breakfast and strolled down the hall to Mr. Des'aire's office.

I blew out a nervous breath and knock on the door, his voice sounded from behind a few moments after telling me to come in.

I couldn't help the weird feeling I got upon seeing him sitting around his desk in his suit looking like gorgeous, his curly hair tousled while he sported a reading glass.

His muscles bulged under his shirt and my mouth watered at the sight, ugh what was this man doing to me!

"Ms. Feretti is everything alright?" He asked, catching me in the act of checking him out. He had a look of genuine concern on his face.

"Yep!" I said in a high pitched voice, strolling over to his desk, when did I get this bold around him.

"I just thought I'd do another interview" I continued, trying to mask my anxiety, he watched me as I took the seat adjacent his desk.

His eyes as usual held no emotions in them but I'm sure I wore mine on my forehead.

"I'm busy, Romana could you perhaps come back later?" he suggested averting his eyes back to his papers.

"Ah..No" I protested, one brow quirked up in confusion at my new found defiance. Even I was surprised, he however went along with whatever shenanigans I was up to as he put his pen down and leaned back comfortably in his chair.

"Right. Go ahead then" he urged.

"Alright so no more boring questions..." I started, He rolled his eyes as if to say 'yeah right' but I ignored.

"What motivates you to keep going?" He had a bored look on his face but answered reluctantly.

"I don't need motivation, it's just something that must be done and once it is of importance I am going to do it" I pursed my lips and nodded taking notes.

"Great, so no motivation I want to be like you when I grow up" I joked miserably, he maintained his bored look not even smiling so I cleared my throat and went onto the next question.

"Have you ever got into an altercation with any of your workers?" I asked next looking up at him.

"No. Get to the point Romana what is it you truly want to ask" he said catching me off guard.

I looked up from my paper about to answer his crude remark but my breath hitched into my throat instead, there it was that same look, I didn't know what it was but it was like he was eye fucking me or something.

"Mr. Des'aire let's keep this professional here" I mumbled with the blush of my cheeks and looked down.

"You know Ms. Feretti" he drawled leaning forward, ignoring the previous tention we had.

"I'm hanging by a thread here and I'm starting to regret the other day... If I wasn't so busy I'd fuck you senseless on this table" my eyes widened at his bluntness but the fowl ness of his mouth still made me feel hot and bothered.

Yet a sudden surge of anger replaced my lust at the memory of what he did to me. He has no filter and lacks any sense of empathy. He's a psychopath...

"You don't want to be touched remember" I sassed tapping my pen on my book at the now awkward scenario, my once confidence now vanishing into thin air.

"A touch is too intimate Ms. Feretti" he said, I scoffed.

"And you shoving your dick inside me isn't?" He smirked and nodded his head

"Fair point" I just rolled my eyes, fair point my ass. He rose from his seated position and I looked up meeting his mischievous eyes.

"Fine them Romana, if you want it your gonna get it" my eyes widened with fear.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered when I saw him going for his tie.

"I'm going to fuck you" I abruptly rose from my seated position also and started backing away.

"Right here?" I whispered yelled, his hand paused on his tie and he deadpanned me.

"Where else Ms. Feretti?" He stretched the neck of his tie taking it from around his neck.

A sudden sense of boldness came over me and everything he had put me through sexually came back full force, I stood firm and folded my hands across my chest.

"No" my voice was final and held no room for discussion. Or so I thought, he paused-eyebrows drawing together in confusion.

"No?" He reiterated, my heart was beating erratically in my chest but I held my ground, I've never been this bold around him before and it was nerve racking.

"That is what I said... If your going to play hard to get then I can play that game too and I can be just as brutal" my words were so cringe but it was what I felt, I felt like I needed to challenge him, make him work for it.

Should have thought of this the first few times you were about give up yourself to him

My voice echoed but I ignored the harsh truth, he smirked a sense of challenge now taking over his features it was the first emotion I've seen him display openly or maybe he wasn't aware.

The room fell silent and the only thing could be heard was my beating heart and his shoes making contact with the floor as he made his way over to me.

My back pressed against the wall, my mind not realizing that my body was moving, Eros was positioned Infront of me his thick arms caging me in.

I looked up meeting his fiery gaze, his breath fanned my face while mine came out ragged.

"You wish to challenge me Romana?" He whispered, his presence was intoxicating, filling my nostrils and getting me drunk, everything that Veronica stone had said to me disappeared within a split second.

I remained silent afraid that my words would betray me, he searched my eyes reading my unmasked emotions, He saw right through me.

His lips quirked up in a mischievous smirk as he moved away, taking his scent and his warmth with him.

"Fine then... Let's see how long you hold out on your little challenge, just know I won't play fair" his warning did not fall on deaf ears but I wanted to show him that he should not underestimate me.

And maybe I wanted to show myself.


If you haven't realized by now that my books are weird well now you do... They are frustrating but still will give you a good time I guess.
Let me know what you think of this chapter?

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