_________________________________________________"Did you or did you not secure the meeting with the girl?" the person asked a very shaken up Veronica, for whatever reason she was afraid.
"I did" she said.
"And?" The person replied, awaiting a very specific answer.
"I don't know, we can only hope that she will come" disappointed, the person scowled at her.
"Are you stupid!? What did I tell you?"
Veronica's heart raced but sighed to mask her fear "I know but I couldn't just blast her with our evil plan on the first meet now could I?" She asked sarcastically.
"Besides she wasn't our original candidate so I have to becareful, don't worry I told her something that will get her to come" she continued, the person nodded calming down from the almost pleasing explanation.
"Alright I trust you to get it done... What about Adrianna and Zues?"
"they are on board with everything.... I have all the photos, files you asked me for and we're just waiting on Romana?" Veronica said taking up her bags to leave, the person took a seat around their desk.
"what are you going to tell her if she comes?" The person asked, interested to hear what mighty plan Veronica has to make sure everything goes smoothly.
Veronica deadpanned "only what she needs to know"
"let's go over the plan again" the person suggested Veronica looked at them confused.
"Veronica.. remember your mom" the person warned.
"fine.... Frame the old geezer, tarnish his name, get a lawsuit and win money... Let him and his brother fight and possibly kill themselves and we win, tada" she finished with the roll of an eye.
The person smirked "don't get smart with me young lady... But in a nutshell you understand the cause, don't forget it" Veronica nodded aiming for the door but paused when a question popped up in her head.
"do you think he picked up on anything?"
"Eros?" Veronica nodded.
"he's an arrogant bastard who's head is up his ass and blames it on his disorder.... He doesn't know a thing"
"What do you hope to gain with this?" Veronica asked pulling the door finally, the person's demeanor changed and a dark aura stalked the atmosphere.
The person smirked evilly and said "Revenge"
Short but it's just another plot highlight.

The Psychopath | 18+
RomanceUnedited. Romana Feretti broke and alone, is desperately trying to pursue the life she had envisioned for herself ever since her parents death and that is to become a professional journalist for Scottsdale news. With one phone call and a meeting, sh...