40. Taken

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Romana's POV
Couple hours before doom

I woke up early for my usual morning run, ate breakfast from food Eros had delivered to my house as a form of apology I guess, seeing as though it was a regular delivery guy and I couldn't just slam my door in his face I felt inclined to take it.

Plus it smelt delicious too, it wasn't because I forgive him though that I took it, if he wants to talk he better come face me.

I took my water up and ran out of apartment and unto the streets of jersey in the biting cold, the other days the cold wasn't set in yet so I was safe wearing a tank but today was different and I would not like to freeze my tits off.

I ran through the park as usual sure to avoid the end, did some good laps and stopped to drink water.

Deciding that I've had enough cardio for the day, I took leap towards the front of the park, I couldn't help the strange feeling I got just a few days ago of being watched. It made me feel shivery and a little afraid, I've always emphasized the fact that I did not live in the safest parts of jersey but I've never actually been in any dangerous situations, this feeling however, I didn't like.

I drew the strings of my hoodie in an attempted to hide my face and briskly made my way out of the park once again, I walked like fire was on my ass in the direction of my apartment and in no time I was walking up my steps.

I stopped at my door and breathed a sigh of relief when I was sure that no one was following me, I pulled out my key and twisted the small metal thing in the key hole before twisting the lock.

I swung the door and walked in but when I turned to close it, none other than Zues was there to close it for me. I gasped and tumbled backwards slightly.

"What the hell are you doing in my apartment!" I yelled, backing away from his smiling frame, creep!

"I thought I'd pay you a visit" was his reply and I practically hissed at him.

"Get out now or I'll kick your ass!" I grabbed a big book I had on my table to try and prove my point but he only laughed at me, bending over slightly to hold his stomach.

"Your funny" he said looking back up before his face become serious and a scary look took over, my heart rate picked up as I realized what this was, then he lounged at me, I thrashed against him and tried to scream but his hands clamped over my mouth.

I bit down hard on his finger and yanked it away  "bitch!" He yelled and landed one solid punch at the side of my face, knocking my head on the hard ground.

The contact made my ears ring and my vision blurry but I still tried to fight him off, I heard some incoherent curses before I felt something stick my neck and in no time I was out.


The sound of boots scrunching on gravel woke me up but I was in a haze, I felt extremely tired and weak. The events of today came rushing back to my mind but I couldn't fight I was so droopy, I could feel that I was being carried and my hands and feet were tied.

My mouth was free but the only thing that could come through was the hoarse sound of my dry throat as I tried to voice something.

I was placed down on a chair then felt ice cold water being splashed in my face, I shook my head from left to right trying avoid the splash that was sure to jolt me awake.

It stopped and I could open my eyes fully now, I was in a big empty building with just a table in the center that a gun on it, dread pooled in the pit of my stomach and a nauseous feeling took over.

"Welcome back" came Zues's annoying gravely voice, I snapped my head in it's direction and saw him watching with a glass of something in his hand. I scowled in his direction "fuck off"

His eyebrows raised and he came up to me and landed a beautiful slap right across my face, my head spun to the other side from the force of it and I bit my lip in the process.

"Watch your mouth before I let Eros come meet your dead body instead" I became caution now, he was capable and seemed like he didn't care so I was going to tread lightly from now on.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked to see if I could get some information out if him.

He scoffed "why am I doi- do you not see what Eros did to me? Oh I forgot his dick was probably blinding you" I looked down slightly embarrassed but the I don't care mood stepped in.

"Eros did nothing, you tried to ruin his life!" He laughed out loud and walked over to the table, he placed the glass down and took up the gun and a phone before walking over to me.

"Your a naive stupid bitch that knows nothing... " He pointed the gun to my head and I froze, a tingling feeling took over the spot that the gun was pointed on and the all I could hear was my heart beat pounding.

He dialed a number on his phone before putting it on speaker, he pressed the gun to my head and cocked back the safety "you better shut the fuck up" he threatened just before the person picked up.

"Brother!" He greeted happily, I rolled my eye despite my nerves, the nerve of him.

"What do you want Zues?" Came the deep voice I've missed, I wished I could hold him now and tell him how much I love him even if he didn't want to accept it.

I might die here tonight and that scared me because I had so many regrets.

"Go fuck yourself!" I heard Eros yell and it made me smile, yeah babe stick up to this son of a bitch!

"Let me give you some. Motivation" said Zues before he used the end of the gun to but me in the head twice, my vision blacked out a little but I was awake enough to yell.

"EROS!! HELP ME!!" he used the gun to snag me again and the last thing I remember was Eros angry voice yelling.



Daddy Eros to the rescue..


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