First death, second life

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"Victoria. Victoria!" I heard someone calling out my name. I slowly opened my eyes, the blurry image of a woman came into my sight. "Mom? What are you doing in my room? It's the middle of the night." I yawned as I turned on my side and closed my eyes again. "Well, actually...", my mom pulled away my blanket "your alarm clock went off half an hour ago."

What did she say? Half an hour?! Suddenly all my desire for sleep was gone. I jumped out of bed,almost tripping over my own feet . "Thank you for waking me up, mom." She looked a bit concerned: "Well you are awake now, so hurry and get dressed. I have your lunch box ready in the kitchen" I gave her a kiss on the chek. "Thanks, again." I went over to my closet and grabbed my school uniform, as I heard my mom close the door behind her. I didn't have time to put in my contact lenses so I grabbed my glasses from my desk and started dressing myself in a hurry.

I ran down the stairs with my backpack over my shoulder and my uniform jacked in my hand, struggling to close the last button of my shirt. My mom took my backpack from me and put my lunch box in, while I put on my shoes and jacket. "I put in more this time, because you didn't have any time to eat breakfast. So make sure to eat all of it when you are in school." She said it in a scolding tone. "Thanks, mom. I would be lost without you."I pulled my backpack over my shoulder. "Yes, you would." My mom said as she gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead.

I waved goodbye to her as I hurried out of the house. I looked at my watch. 7:40, school starts in 20 minutes. I made my way to the train station, running up the stairs to the platform. The train was about to leave. I sprinted to the door closest to me and jumped in. Made it! A second later and the train would have left without me. I sat down trying to catch my breath. I looked at my phone. The first period was chemistry with Mr. Stone. Fuck, Mr.Stone is my favorite teacher. I don't want to make a bad impression by being late to one of his classes. I looked at the time again with 15 minutes left before the first period started . I was lucky that my school was only a one minute walk from the train station. But the Train would take another ten minutes to get there.

Finally the train arrived, the doors opened and I jumped out. I hurried towards the exit. When running down the stairs I jumped over the last few steps.

(Please don't run down stairs or skip any steps, it can be dangerous. My OC is not a good example to follow)

Now I only needed to cross the street and I would be at my school. But I needed to wait for a moment, because of a red traffic light and cars passing it at high speed. After the traffic light turned green I walked over the street and into my school as fast as I could. The chemistry rooms were on the upper floor. I took the first staircase I saw. Taking two steps at once. Second floor, third floor, finally fourth floor. I pushed against the glass doors of the staircase. They wouldn't budge. I panicked for a moment, just to realise that on the door handle stood 'pull', it was too early in the morning for me to think. Now I pulled the door and this time it opened.

I looked at my watch, three minutes till class started. I ran past different science rooms, biology, physics. There chemistry, room 423. The door was still open. I finally stopped running and walked slowly to calm down my heavy breathing.

I entered the classroom and greeted the teacher who stood behind the teacher pult, facing the blackboard, writing something on it. "Good morning Mr. Stone" He turned around and greeted me as well. "Good morning to you too, Victoria", he gently smiled at me with his dark red eyes staring into mine. He ran his hand through his white hair, getting more green to the tip. "8 o'clock is too early for me to teach", he mumbled to himself. I smiled about his comment: "I am glad to hear that I am not the only one struggling with an early morning." I looked at him a moment longer, noticing that he was wearing a new science shirt. It was light beige with a formula written on the collar in red.

"Ehm, Mr. Stone, you have chalk dust on your clothes.", I said pointing at his shoulder. "Oh, thank you", he wiped it off, then told me to take a seat. A few moments later the bell rang and class started...

The rest of the day was like any other school day,uninteresting classes and boring teachers. Then the bell rang, finally reliching me into freedom. I grabbed my backpack and left the classroom with my friends. We walked down the now very crowded hallway and out of the school with the other students. We walked over the street and up the stairs to the train station. There were many people on the platform. Because there was another school close by, where the students got out of class at the same time as we did. The electronic board showed that the next train was incoming. I tried to move a bit forward, now standing at the edge to the tracks.


What was that? I was falling.

Did someone bump into me? I was falling on the train tracks. I heard my friends behind me scream and people gasped in fear. Someone tried to grab my hand to keep me from falling. They were too late. The train was only a few metres away now. I was scared, I couldn't move. It was like my body was petrified. My life flashed before my eyes. And I realised that I never had the chance to do something with myself. It was stupid, I was about to die and jet there wasn't anything in my life that I could have called meaning full.

Is this really how I'm going to die? Ran over by a train after living every day of my life like the one before that. If there is a god he must hate me.

I close my eyes. The sound of the train hitting the breaks is the last thing I hear. After that everything went black, but only for a moment. Then everything was immersed in bright light. It was cold, I was scared. I tried to scream and cry but nothing more than a high pitched whining sound would escape my lips. Where was I?

Someone gently wrapped me in a cloth and gave me into another woman's arms. It was warm and comforting. I slowly stopped crying.

I heard a woman's voice, she sounded excited. "Congratulations, my Lady. She is a healthy girl." The woman who held me smiled at the person next to her: "Look darling,you have a daughter." The man kissed her on the forehead: "And she is as beautiful as her mother." He laid his hand on my head and stroked it gently.

What the fuck is going on? Why is this dude's hand bigger than my head? Did I shrink? I noticed big blue eyes staring at me. They belonged to a little boy standing next to the man. He was barely big enough to look over the edge of the bed. "Momy, momy! Is this my little sister? Why doesn't she have any hair? Why is she so small? When is she going to get bigger? What is her Name?" The little boy asked all those questions with an excited child's voice and a big smile.

Wait?! Momy? Little sister? Did- did I just get reborn?!

The maid who wrapped me in the cloth came up to the little boy: "Young master. Your mother is still exhausted from the birth. Please ask her the questions after she has her strength back." The lady smiled at the maid: "No it is OK. Kil is right. She needs a name."

"Well, we wanted to name our child after your grandfather. But we can't name a girl Victor", the man said. The maid raised her hand, as to ask for permission to speak. "Then how about the female version, Victoria?"

Oddly enough the maid proposed the same name as I had in my past life. "Hm", the man standing beside the bed thought about it. "Victoria van Dine, that has a nice sound to it. What do you think?" He looked down to the woman who still held me in their warm embrace. She smiled at him: "Yes, I like that name." She looked at me and kissed me on my forehead. I guess that means a new life starts for me now.

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