Chapter 2: Seeing Hell For the First Time :0

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Meanwhile, down in Hell.....

Mugman: Let me go! My brother will come to rescue me! You'll see!

Devil: You sure about that? I seems that he stood there while I captured you.

Mugman: True, but still! He'll come and rescue me soon, I'm sure of it!

Devil: I much rather seeing him being emotionally tortured without you instead of being sure.

Mugman: (mind) Cup's got a phobia of being alone.....crap! I forgot about that! I hope Chailce is with him, so he won't be alone.....

Devil: Enjoy this while you can, cause this will be your last happy part of life.....*laughing evily*

When the Devil left the room, Mugman broke down in tears.

Mugman: P-please.....anyone, just anyone....please save me from this torture......

Sorry, this is so short-

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