Chapter 21: Hiccup Problem

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Chalice's pov

Everything's been good around here now. Cuphead is getting a lot better and Mugman recovered from last night bc Cuphead stayed with him the whole night.

No one's pov

The bros and Chalice are eating breakfast.

Mugman: You're welcome.

Chalice: Wow, this is great, Mugs. Where did you learn to cook?

Mugman: Elder Kettle taught me.....before he passed away.....

The trio went silent for a bit and Mugman changed the subject.

Mugman: Anyway.....

The trio sat down and ate breakfast. Cuphead chugged a glass of orange juice and ate his eggs too fast. The other two are also eating.


Later, the trio finished brrakfast.

Chalice: Dang, that was delicious.

Mugman: Thanks, Chalice.

Chalice: What about you, Cups?

Cuphead: The meal was- *hiccup*

Cuphead covered his mouth and continued hiccuping.

Mugman: Bro, you okay? You shouldn't of ate so causes hiccups.....

Cuphead: Wel- *hic*

Cuphead continues hiccuping without even letting himself say one word.

Mugman: Oh, god....I hope the food I made didn't cause the hiccups.....

Chalice: No, your food is fine. I ate the food and even I don't have the hiccups.

Mugman: Okay, thank goodness.

Mugman looks at his brother, who is coughing and hiccuping.

Mugman: We gotta figure out what caused his hiccups.

Chalice: I'm not blamming the food you made for this but I think it's a liquid and not a solid.

Mugman: You make a good point, though. It's probably the orange juice he drank. Let's just wait and see if his hiccups stop.

Cuphead sat on the couch, still hiccuping.

Chalice: He needs a bit to breathe.

Mugman: Yeah, he can't breathe and hiccup at the same time.....


It's nighttime and Cuphead's hiccups still didn't stop.

Mugman: We should go the doctor. He'll know what to do.

Chalice: Great idea, Mugs!


Later, Chalice and Mugman waits in the waiting room. The doctor came in.

Mugman: How is he?

Doctor: Well....your brother has a bad case of the hiccups and I don't know how long 'til he stops.

Mugman: Will he be okay?

Doctor: I'm not sure yet, but for now, he has to stay in the hospital to run more tests on him to figure out what's causing his hiccups.

Chalice: Weird, but okay!

Mugman: Hey, Doctor.....there's something you should know.....

Doctor: Hmm? What is it?

Mugman: My brother has a fear of being alone.....he has autophobia.....he had it since he was very little.....he hasn't had it in years because of me but when I got captured....his phobia came back to haunt him.....he has a bad case of it....

Doctor: I understand. I'll make sure someone stays with him so he won't be alone.

Mugman: Thanks, Doc. Good luck with him.

Doctor: No problem. Stay safe, you two.


One week later.....

Mugman: It's been almost a week. I hope he's okay.

Chalice: It's nothing serious. Just a bad case of the hiccups.

The phone rang.

Mugman: I'll get it.

Mugman answers the phone.

Mugman: Hello?.........Really?.........He's all better now?...........Great! We'll be there soon!

Mugman hangs up the phone and looks at Chalice..

Chalice: So?

Mugman: Cuphead recovered from his hiccups. Turns out he ate and drank too fast, he couldn't stop hiccuping. He drank alot of water to recover his hiccups.

Chalice: Oh.....that's why....

Mugman: It was weird but it was worth the wait!


Back the hospital, Mugman threw his arms around his brother.

Mugman: I'm so glad you're okay.

Cuphead: Yeah. I couldn't talk for awhile.....

Chalice: It's good to hear your voice again, Cups.

Cuphead: Same. Let's go back home.

This was so lazy at the end bc my head hurts....I promise the next chapter won't be so boring.....

See ya in the next chapter! BAI! ♡

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