Chapter 23: Picnic Panic

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The next morning, the trio woke up to find leaves falling down outside.

Chalice: What a beautiful morning. It's so pretty.

Mugman: You said it.....

Chalice: Hey! I have an idea! Why don't we go out for a picnic? We really need to relax after all we've been through.

Mugman: and Cuphead really needed therapy.....we talked about it last night and I was able to convince Cuphead. He hesitated but he also agreed.

Chalice: I think Cuphead needs more therapy sessions than you do.

Mugman: Yeah....we've been through so much but Cuphead has been through alot more than me. He witnessed Elder Kettle's death. He raged at a police officer while I was calm about it. He has been having nightmares for weeks. And when he says he ain't too worried....he's actually worried, deep down inside of him.

Chalice: Anyway! We should get ready for the picnic.

Mugman: We should. Get the stuff ready. I'll wake Cuphead up.

Chalice went downstairs and Mugman shook Cuphead gently to wake him up.

Mugman: Cups....time to wake up. We're going out soon.

Cuphead opens his eyes.

Cuphead: (yawns) Where are we going?

Mugman: We're getting ready for a picnic.

Cuphead: Okay....we probably need it anyway....


Later, the trio found a clearing next to some trees. The trio sat down on a blanket on the ground.

Mugman: Ahh....we needed this....

Cuphead: I guess so....(yawn)

Mugman: You feeling okay? Did you get enough sleep last night?

Cuphead:, no I didn't.....

Mugman: Did you have a nightmare again?

Cuphead: Yeah.....

Mugman: Cups.....I'm here one is coming to hurt me, okay? I'm fine now and it's gonna be alright.

He wraps his arms around his brother gently to hug him. Chalice watches with a soft smile. The leaves fell from the trees and Chalice catches one.

Chalice: So pretty.....I love fall.

Later, after the trio ate.....

Mugman: Dang, that was delicious.....

Chalice: You said it.

Then, they heard a strange noise.

Mugman: What was that sound?

Chalice: We should go check it out.

Cuphead: I don't could be something bad.....

Chalice: Aww, quit your worrying. I'm sure it's fine.

Cuphead wears a concerned look on his face.

Cuphead: If you say so......


The trio walks through the forest to find a strange tunnel. Three big black letters say: "YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE".

Chalice: What? That's weird. It's not like they're gonna show us our worst nightmares.....that's nonsense.

Mugman: Yeah, what you said.

Cuphead: Oh, god.....please no.....

The trio walks through the tunnel.

Chalice: See just a regular ol' tunnel-

Then, weird things start to happen.

Chalice: Whoa, what is happening?

Mugman: I think we're gonna see each other's nightmares.

Chalice: Mine is first. Let's go face our nightmares and get the heck out of here.

They went into Chalice's nightmare.

Mugman: Whoa.....

Cuphead: What are you even afraid of?

Chalice: I don't know. I guess it's up to the viewers.


Chalice: Anyways, Mugman, I think your nightmare is next.

Mugman: Oh, god...

The trio went into Mugman's nightmare.

Chalice: Holy's just your enemies......

Cuphead: Yeah.....even Bowlboy is there....creepy.....

Mugman: Yep, this is my worst nightmare. Bowlboy.


Mugman: Cuphead....I think your nightmare is next.....

Cuphead:'s too scary.....

Mugman: I know you're afraid but we'll be right here with you. We'll face it together.

Cuphead: Okay....

The trio went into Cuphead's nightmare and the two are shocked.

Chalice: Oh, my god.....

Mugman looks at Cuphead.

Mugman: This is what your nightmare looks like?

Cuphead looks down sadly.

Cuphead: Yeah.

The trio looks around Cuphead's nightmare.

Mugman: There's when I got captured.

Chalice looks at the worst nightmare.

Chalice: Oh, my god. There's a nightmare of you dying, Mugs. I think he's afraid of losing you.

Mugman looks at Cuphead with a concerned face.

Mugman: Is that true?


Mugman hugs his big brother.

Mugman: Listen, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.....I'm still here and you don't have to worry anymore....

Cuphead: I think I still need therapy.....

Mugman: Both of us do. But mostly you....

Cuphead: No. You need therapy as well. Both of us do. I noticed you've been going through something as well.

Mugman: You're right.

Cuphead: Let's get out of here.....

Mugman: Yeah.

The trio walked out of the tunnel and back to their picnic spot.

Chalice: We made it out.

Mugman: And look. The tunnel disappered. We actually did it.

The trio packed up the stuff and walked back home.

Chalice: So....when are you two gonna start therapy?

Mugman: After Halloween. We really need to get ready. It's in three days.

Chalice: Holy crap! You're right! We should.

The trio ran the rest of the way home.

HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER! The next chapter will be a Halloween special. And after that, I take more requests for titles for chapters. I got to finish the ones you guys already suggested. See ya in the next chapter! BAI! ♡ 

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