Chapter 3: Nightmare

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Back on the surface, Cuphead started tossing and turning in bed.


Then, Cuphead woke up with a loud scream and tears in his eyes. Tear stains remain on his cheeks.

Chailce: Cuphead? Are you okay?

Cuphead: (sniffles) N-no....I had a nightmare.....

Chailce: What was it about?

Cuphead: It's about Mugman....the Devil killed him right in front of me.....and he turned evil as felt so.....(voicing breaking)

Chalice puts a hand on his shoulder, concerned.

Chailce: Hey, it's was only a nightmare.....I'm sure, where ever Mugman is, he's still alive and waiting for you.

Cuphead: (sniffles) I guess you're right.....(sniff)....thanks, Chailce.

Chailce: What are friends for? And oh!

Chailce picks up Mugman's teddy bear and hands it to Cuphead.

Chailce: Here. You dropped this when you were sleeping.

Cuphead holds his little bro's teddy close to him.

Cuphead: Thanks.

Chalice: No problem. Now, go back to sleep. We have a long day tomorrow. Because I think I know where Mugman is.

Cuphead: Tell me tomorrow. I'm tired.

Chailce: Okay. Night, Cups.

Cuphead: Night, Chailce.


Hope you enjoyed this wholesome chapter of mine! And thank you guys so much for 16 reads on my story. I just made this story last night and I thought I would never make it this far. Anyways, have a good day/night, my Cuphead Fans and I'll see you in the next chapter! BAI! ♡♡♡♡♡

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