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Demi Carson - Atlanta GeorgiaJanuary 3rd 2022, 7:52 am

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Demi Carson - Atlanta Georgia
January 3rd 2022, 7:52 am

Finally, back in the states I can focus on giving birth to this big ass baby! Finally picking out a name for my last and final child, Aurora picked a really cute name for my baby and I'm so excited to announce her name along with the pregnancy. It's been damn near 9 months, and I still haven't announced my pregnancy, I think it's better that way.

We've been settled into the new house for a few months now and the girl's rooms are super cute, I did my big one with their rooms!

Christmas was amazing especially for Ayanna beings it was her first Christmas with us, her mom didn't reach out but that was expected. She kept a smile on her face the entire day and I was so happy to see that.

As we bring the new year in Harlem, and I spent it together as a family and I felt content. Finally feeling at peace with everything going on around me, I came to terms with my relationship. I just want to have one conversation about the cheating and then I am going to let it go. Can't keep holding onto this especially if we want to move on and get married.

Harlem sat on the nursery floor as I sat in the chair watching him put together the crib, he kept looking back at me and I knew then I just had to speak up. "After this conversation I'll leave it alone for real" he shook his head without even looking at me. "Say what you gotta say but after this I am done".

"Just one question, why? Like I was throwing pussy at you every chance I got so you wouldn't feel the need to cheat. But in retrospect you we're gone for what two months without seeing me? I need closure, we want to move forward and this needs to be answered first" Harlem finally decided to face me as I wiped away a few tears. "Demi it was never my intentions to cheat, or for you to find out. Megan was just a place holder, not realizing what I had at home I fucked up. I met her at one of the shows she's a stylist and it went from there" Shaking my head I tried to look away before any tears came down my face again. "It should've never happened. I knew it was wrong and she did too, in that moment I knew you would hate me if you ever found out especially while pregnant" He came and grabbed me up. "I never meant to hurt you baby and if I could take it back I would 100 percent".

Hearing the last sentence made me burst into tears, these hormones we're something else. I swore up and down I was tired of crying. "You only want to take it back because I found out, not because you're genuinely sorry! Harlem, I know you like the back of my fucking hand bro. Be fucking for real!"

Realizing the conversation took a turn, I decided to just drop the shit and move forward. If I expect to be with Harlem, I can't hold this over his head especially since I decided to stay with him after the cheating.

"I'm going to lay down, the interview for the nanny is at 11am." Now I know y'all are probably thinking why are you getting a nanny? It's not for the new baby it's for the older kids, with their busy schedules, my own schedule and a new baby I just can't fit them all into my own busy schedule.

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