02. The cute americano boy

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Chit-chatters, coffee makers, dishes and coffee.
This is the life of Lee Felix!

"Felix, can you take the order of Table 5?"

My eyes search the Table,

I groaned annoyed, learning that I have to take orders for these flirtious girls, again.

Sighing, I grabbed the pen and the notepad, heading to the Table....

I plastered the fakest smile I could, before approaching the ladies...

As I came near the table, one of the girls with curly brown locks, winked at me. Same shit another day.

I still kept the smile on, though I rolled my eyes mentally,

"Good morning ladies, I'll be your server for the day, Are you ready to order?"

I said as a blonde girl from them nodded, getting my signal, I got ready to note down-

"Can I have, your number?"

Cough, cough.

I laughed awkwardly as that blonde from then glared at the brown locks.

"I afraid that we don't have my number on the menu.
What else can I get you, ma'am?"

Usually, Seungmin, my so called bestfriend here saves me from these situations.
But guess what, he'd be late today.

"Or, you guys may order later when you know what you want. I or some other will come and take your orders. What do you think?" I said looking at each and every's face.

"I just wanted your number. You're such a catch."

The brown locks groaned as if annoyed.

"Martha, don't make him feel awkward like this."

A black haired glared at 'Martha'. "And, yes, we agree with you, We will order later." They both gave me a friendly smile and being the sunshine I was, I returned it, GENUINELY.

"Alright then, have a good day." I bowed at them and left.

Oof, it was so awkward.

Coming back to the cash counter, I sat down as nobody entered to make an order.

"Oi, Felix!"

Turning back to the direction of my name being called, I saw a familiar brown hair. Manager Chan.

He came toward me with worry described in his black orbs.

"Yes, Chan?"

"I'm so, sorry Felix." He used English while talking to me, sometimes Korean too.

"I'm very sorry, mate. I should have let some female worker take that table." He looked down, it was alright.

"No Chan, it's fine. I handled it." I gave him my infamous sunshine smile.

"No I'm sorry-"

"Chris hyung it's really okay, you don't need to apologise. It's not your fault, so don't apologise, it makes me feel bad."

"Okay fine, if you say so. But, if another customer bugs you just tell me. I'll handle it."

"Sure. Seungmin helps me out usually, but he's late today." I'd kill him if killing didn't got people to jail.

"Oh, at the mention of Seungmin," He trailed off, making me confused.

"He won't be coming today, he called off sick."

「 a cupful of love  」↻hyunlix ✔Where stories live. Discover now