04. Warnings that scare

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I walked into my home after the day.

"Hyunjin, I need to have a talk with you." I'm not ready for these nonsense at the moment.

"Yes father." I lazily dragged my feet to the living room.

"Come sit here."

"Just tell me whatever you want to, so I can go rest."
He just nodded and opened his mouth to speak.

"My son, I always wish for your wellness," He paused to pass me a small smile, which I ignored.

"From that perspective, I will tell you again to break your friendship with that squirrel faced boy. He is not our class, he might be a bad influence--"
I chuckled cutting him mid-sentence.

"The only bad influence is you Dad, you."

"You know why Inyeop hyung left us? It's because of you. Mom has such a bad choice in men." Not that these words will hurt him.

"You are just worthless, neither you're a good father, nor a good husband. You just love money and nothing else. I hate you."

"My dear Hyunjin, you're absolutely correct. But you know what, the problem is you're the only heir I have now," He dramatically made a sad face. "So, you're gonna do as I say, else your mother will face the consequences."

As soon as those words came out of his mouth, my body felt weak. He just had to stab my weak point.

"Good night son, hope you'll follow my advice." Saying so he walked away, leaving me by myself at the living room. All my tiredness has been flown away out the window.

What was he gonna do to mom?

But, Jisung was my best friend.

Will he hurt mom again if I meet up with Jisung?

Thousands of questions were on my mind.

I felt nauseous.

I needed my pills.

I ran up to my room and started looking for my medicine,

I gulped down a pill and hoped the night will pass.


"Woah, he really said that..?" I met Jisung in our usual place.

"Yeah," I said looking at my beverage placed on the table.

"I don't know, b-but I think, your dad is right.. I don't match your stat--"

"Jisung, no. You're my best friend. I don't care what that old hag says, he doesn't own me. I'm not his puppet to play with." I smiled at him, reassuring him that I wasn't gonna leave him.

He is not what others look at him as. He is lonely..

"Jisung-ah, smile. I don't like to see this side of yours."

"You're just, too good for me." Some tears spilled out of his eyes.

"Don't cry Sungie.. I don't like it."

"Fine, I ain't crying anymore! See!" He quickly wiped his eyes and gave me his signature smile.

"There's our Han!"

"By the way, Mr. Hwang.. did you took his number?"

I totally forgot about Felix meanwhile..

"Uhmm, yeah. I took his number--"

"Oh my god, tell me about it!" He stated getting excited.

I just rolled my eyes at him.

"I think I already lik--"

"Hey guys! Sorry, there are many customers." Felix's cheerful voice cut me off..

What was I even doing..

"Hey Hwang Inyeop's brother." He gave me that signature smile of his which caused my heart do a backflip.

"Hey foreigner." A tit for tat..?

"I have a name." He pouted at me.

"I have a name too!" I rolled my eyes at him.

"I have an exsistence guys.." We turned our heads towards Jisung, I'd almost forgot about him.

"Oh- yes, I'd almost forgot about you-" Felix giggled.

"Sorry Jisung." He smiled at him.

"Anyways guys, do you need something?"

"No, we are good--"

"Another cheesecake! Hyunjin will pay."
Oh no, I'm not going to.

"Seriously Han Jisung?"

"I have a rich best friend, so why not?"

"Ugh, okay fine. I'll pay. Last time, okay?"


"Alright, one more Cheesecake for Jisungie! Be right back." Saying so he hopped towards the counter, mixing with the people.

"So cute.." I blurrted out.

"Ah ha! you're in love, my boy!"

"Maybe.." I said as my face grew hot.

"You're blushing right now, Jinnie."

"O-oh, am I?" I shouldn't be blushing, I've a reputation, god.

"Is it okay now?"

"No your face still looks quite red."

"Oh n-" A ring from my phone cut off my sentence.

"Choi Yeonjun" flashed on the screen.

"It's my assistant." I said to Jisung and excused myself.

"Yes, hyung?"

"Where are you Hyunjin?"

"With Jisung, at out usual place. Why?"

"Your father is looking for you, come here right now."

"Oh god, okay fine. I'll be there in 5."

"Jisung, I'm sorry.. I need to go now. Dad is looking for me."

"Oh yeah, it's okay." I nodded to him and grabbed my keys.

I hopped in my Mercedes and drove off to the office.

God knows what he wants now..


Words:- 817

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