05. Dazed because of you

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I parked my car into the Parking Lot before making my way towards the building entrance,

I walked in and employees there started bowing at me right the moment they notice me. Usual for me.

I softly knocked at the cabin door of my father's office.

"Come in," a stern voice spoke from the other side of the door,

"You wanted to talk to me?" I spoke coolly and he threw me a confused look.

Again a stern look replaced his comfused look, "I suppose this is not a correct way to speak to your father, where are your manners son?" I rolled my eyes.

"Is this what you've been wanting to tell me, father ?"
I looked him dead in the eyes, "No, actually, yes."

He leaned back in his comfy chair, "You hungout with that chipmunk guy again?"

"Yes." Dad nodded.

"You're even talking back to me now," He chuckled. "Do you see the results of hanging with someone not our status? I told you he is a bad influence."

"If you are only going to talk about my bestfriend, I am leaving this instant." I turned around to walk away,

"Lee Felix, 21, Austrailian. Has a sister.."

I gulped.

How does he know about Felix?

"You have hanged with this guy for 2 times. Am I correct Hyunjin?"

Yes. "How do you know about my friends? Are you tracking me?" He smiled.

"Oh, I almost forgot to mention," He started, quickly changing the topic. What a sneaky bitch. "You have to be home today, The Yang's are coming over for dinner. I hope you won't create inconvenience in any ways knowing that they are great friends of ours." I grimaced on hearing the idea.

I still thought not to cause any disturbance.

"Hwang Hyunjin, are you listening?"

"I do have ears." I answered nonchalantly.

"Good, you can go home now."

As soon as he says that I turned towards the door and twisted the door knob..

"You must go home now." Sighing, I proceeded opening the door and going out.


My cellphone dinged indicating a message from, Lee Freckles. Automatically a smile stretched across my face. Yes, we just met and he had this much effect on me.

I happily opened Felix's chat,

Lee Freckles❤️:

Oi, Hyunjinnn >

Wanna hang out :) >

If you are free tho, i dont want to bother a busy man >

< Oh, yes I'm free.

< Where then?

Let's go ice skatinggggg >

< Uh, sure.

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