06. Part time coffee brewer, part time cupid

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I was wiping a table when I sensed a soft tap on my shoulder, turning around I faced my bestfriend, Seungmin.

"How ya goin' mate?"

"Hey Felix.." He greeted back, but it was very peculiar of him. "What's wrong, Seungmin?" I asked him, knowing that it was not ordinary for him to greet like this, he would usually go 'Yo what's up bro.' with a fist bump.

"Nothing, nothing is wrong." He let out an awkward chuckle.

"Mm, sure, nothing is wrong." I scoffed at him. "Seriously Yongbok, nothing is wrong. I'm just a little tired."

"Firstly stop calling me Yongbok, you know I don't like it." I threw a glare at him. "Yeah, and secondly, I'm your bestfriend." I spoke after recovering from my former expression.

"I am okay, Lix." He grinned, showing his teeths as usual, convincing me to believe he was okay.

A part of me still wanted to make him talk. He wasn't being the usual Seungmin who lives to tease me, he was being very eccentric, and I absolutely didn't like it.

"So, we are the.. only ones here yet," I looked around, confirming his assumption. "Apparently, yes."

"Chan is not here tooㅡ"

"Morning y'all." The door jingled as our brunette manager entered.

"Morning, Chan." I greeted back. He beamed at us. "Um, guys I'll be back after changing to work clothes, yeah?"

"Yup, til' we wipe the tables." I nudged Seungmin by the elbow as I noticed his silence.

Finally when Chan left, I faced the puppy.

I cleared my throat and he whipped his head to me, "Oi,"

"Felix, I need to talk to you."

I nodded.

"There's someone, I likeㅡ" ooh, interesting.

"Tell me, who's the lucky girl?" I uttered, getting a bit too excited. "It's not a girl, Felix."

Shit. "Owhㅡ I, I didn't mean to assumeㅡ" He lets out a soft laugh. "It's fine my bokkie."

Not again...

"So, who's the lucky person?" I interogated him, with excitement filling my system, again. "It's," He started, his ears got betroot red, a crismon shade appearing on his cheeks. "Tell me, don't make me wait~"

He let out a big sigh.

"Okay, fine fine. I'll tell you," He pursed his lips together before speaking again. "I like Chanㅡ"

"What's the discussion about, mates?" oof.

"Uhh, Seungmin's having a crush on yㅡ owh!" His face twisted into confusion, then it lit up. "Oh! Congratulations Seungmin."

I gave a side glance at Seungmin, and boy, he was glaring at me.

"Y-yeah, thanks."

He is so going to beat me up later..

"Okay guys, get back to work." Chan stated in a manager like stern voice as the other employees started arriving.

He left a second later,

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