10. Hesitating

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"Are you hesitating?" Seungmin asked the boy sitting next to him, who was staring at the yellow envelope in his hands. "Yeah. This could be a prank too, you know."

Seungmin chuckled at him, "Oh Felix, which century are you living in? No one would be so foolish to work hard and write a letter then give it to your co worker just to prank you." Felix shook his head, "No. That's not what I'm talking about. Maybe someone could prank me saying that I have to meet them at the Namsan Tower?"

"How would it benefit them?" Seungmin raised an eyebrow at Felix's pessimistic thoughts. "They would make fun of me?"

"Oh Felix, why are you thinking so pessimistic. Yeah, worst case scenario could be that the person is late and we already left. But that would be the person's loss." Seungmin tried to convince the boy about going to the Namsan Tower, or we can say the place his admirer has invited him toㅡ but Felix was being a negative thinker and was not ready to admit that he actually has an admirer, like in K-dramas.

"Should I really go then?" Seungmin nodded, "Plus I am coming with you, if the person tries to make fun of you, I'll land a punch on his face." Seungmin said, assuring the boy.

"As if you could do that." Felix scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully. "I can start a war for my bestfriend."

"As you should." Felix said and the other boy bowed to him.

"My stop is here, I'll have to go now. Bye Felix, see you at work tomorrow." Seungmin bid bye to Felix before getting off the bus, leaving Felix and his pessimistic thoughts.

The boy stared at the yellow envelope in his hands and smiled at it, "I don't know you, yet. But something is telling me to go to you. I don't know what this is."

He was deep in his thoughts, his thoughts of him. Him who? Hyunjin.

He thought about how perfect the other is. He wondered how patiently did God sculpted his face. Perfect nose, perfect lips, flawless white skinㅡ almost white as milk! Those thin, cherry red lips, looked so kissable. He never felt like this for anyone else. Even after he came out infront of his father, his sister, even after 5 years of that eventㅡ maybe Hyunjin was special? Maybe he was in love, really. He needed to confirm his feelings before admitting it and finally confessing. And for that to happen, he needs to go on this 'date' to find out whether or not he had feelings for this boy, Hyunjin.

Felix's thoughts about the boy got interrupted by a slight tap on his shoulder, "Hi. May I take a seat here?"

He turned his head to face the person, "Oh. Sure."

The person sat next to him. Felix felt like he knew the guy but he just couldn't remember where he saw him. The guy wore a black cap and a mask to cover his face, but his voice was very familiar to Felix. He wanted to ask the person if they know eachother, but backed off since he didn't want to disturb him.

He couldn't help but wonder if he was a celebrity, because a normal person wouldn't cover their whole face.

Is he escaping someone? Felix pondered.

Finally, his stop came and he stepped down from the bus. He could forget about the strange person now.

He walked towards his home but felt like someone was following him, so he stopped and tried to hear.

Seconds later, he started walking again. He felt anxious.

Footsteps were approaching him as he was walking. Felix grabbed the straps of his backpack and shut his eyes tightly. "Shit. Please don't be a killer or a theif." He muttered under his breath while walking.

He took big steps, wanting to reach home and lock the door.

On reaching, he sighed and took out his keys whenㅡ

"E-excuse me?" The boy shrieked in fright, "W-who?"

He finally turned around facing the person when he realised that the guy was sitting next to him on the bus. "B-bus guy?"

The other male looked up at him in confusion, "Um, sorry?"

Felix shook his head, "Nothing. Tell me why did you follow me, t-to my home."

"Can I stay in for the night?" The question made the Australian gulp. Then, he shook his head, "I'm sorry sir, I can't trust you. Firstly because I barely even know you, I don't even know your name and Secondly," He continued, "You followedㅡ stalked me."

The other male chuckled, "I think you know me. Don't you?" Saying he removed his cap and mask and looked straight at Felix.

The boy knew he was familiar. "Tell me now, will you let me in for the night?"

Felix couldn't even speak a word, he was trembling. He couldn't believe his eyes.

He gulped, "Is it really you, sir?!"


Words- 838

A/n: I'm sorry for this short chapter, but I want you guys to guess this mysterious person who followed Felix.

I might even give you options ~

a.) Inyeop.

b.) Felix's father.

c.) Hyunjin's father.

Okay til then take care, and please please don't be a silent reader, atleast let me know if you guys are enjoying! It'll motivate me.


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