1: Surprise

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Y/n = Your name

Y/n p.o.v

Jack, my boyfriend of two years, was currently on tour with his best friends.

I haven't been more bored. He's been gone for a good month now. We talk, text, and face time all the time. But it isn't the same.

I miss having him right next to me. I miss his cute little voice. I miss his messy blond hair. I miss him in general.

While he's been gone I did nothing but sit around waiting for his call or text.

I was startled by a noise coming from my phone alerting me I had gotten a text. I slid my finger across my screen to find a text from Jack. I smiled to myself.

Babe : hey princess, I'm expecting something in the mail today. Could you see if it's arrived yet? I love you baby girl

What could he be expecting in the mail on a Thursday night? I ignored my thoughts and texted back.

Me: of course J love you too

I sat my phone down on the counter next to me and made my way to the front door grabbing a coat. It was kinda chilly out.

I opened the door to be greeted by the cutie I've missed so much.


He smiled opening his arms wide.

"Jack!" I smiled jumping into his embrace. He held me tight rocking us back and forth.

"I missed you baby girl." He whispers into my ear.

"I missed you more." I smiled pulling apart to kiss his lips. It was passionate. Our lips fit together like puzzle prices. Like it was meant to be.

We both pulled away smiling at each other. I missed his smile so much.

He stepped inside closing the door behind him. Jack pulled me by my waist bringing me into his chest. He pulled in for another passionate kiss.

"I've.missed.you." he said in between each kiss. After two years of being together, the sparks are still there.

I'm in love with this boy and everything he does.


How cheesy it's not that good. Haha I good of done better. But yea! Hope you enjoyed it. And remember if you want a image message me! REQUESTS IN THE COMMENTS ARE IGNORED.

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