3: Confessions

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// Requested by Ashlee //

Nothing is better on a Friday night then laying on your bed alone watching Netflix right?


I'd rather be doing something completely different then spending my day alone.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing, Jack Gilinsky's ringtone filling my ears. He's my best friend, nothing more.

I quickly searched for my phone. I found it under my pillow and didn't hesitate to answer.

"Hey Ashlee!" Jack chirped through the phone.

"Hi G" I said back in the same tone. I could tell he was smiling on the other line, he always is.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out?" He asked. I smiled but decided to fuck with him.

"Actually, I don't want to." I said seriously.

"Oh, okay" he said kind of disappointment.

"I'm kidding G! Haha I'm coming over now" I said before hanging up, before he could answer. I quickly brushed my hair and threw it up in a messy pony tail.
Jack wouldn't care, he's my best friend. He doesn't care what I lock like.

I grabbed my keys and made sure all the lights were off before walking out and into my car.

Once I arrived to Jack's house I knocked on the door, and waited for an answer. But instead of Jack G answering his friend Jack Johnson answered. Aka my crush. But he hates me, so I stay away. He looked at my outfit choice and scoffed. I rolled my eyes. Why can't he just accept me?

"Can I come in?" I said kind of rudely. He walked away leaving the door open for me to come in.
What his problem? I've never dome any thing to him! Why does he hate me so much? I ignored my thoughts and and walked to the basement were Jack G and Jack J were.

I stoped at the top of the staircase, so I could hear them talking without them noticing me.

"You know I don't like her! Why'd you invite her over? " said an angry Jack J.

Wow, harsh.

I stayed silent at the top of the stair case listening.

"Well in sorry, but she's my best friend and I'd like to hang out with her as well." I heard G say calmly to an angry Jack J.

I heard footsteps coming closer to me and I quickly debated whether if I should move or not.
Before I could even make a decision I saw Jack G in front of me. He weakly smiled, probably hoping I didn't hear the conversation they both just had.

I smiled back slightly.

"I'll be back Ash. I'm going to go to the store and grabs some candies and stuff" he said softly. What? No he can't leave me here with Jack J. I tried to stay calm and answer him.

"Can I come with?" I asked him.

"I'll be quick, just stay and keep Johnson company. " he said and walked out the basement before I could debate with him. I sighed and walked downstairs to where Jack j was.

Here goes nothing

It every thing in me to go and sit by him. Which I did. I sat by him on the couch in the basement.

Just the two of us, alone.

I saw in the corner of my eye he was looking at me. I instantly got nervous and felt my cheeks heat up.

Why does he make me so nervous?

"Nice outfit " he said with clear sarcasm in his voice.

Why is he so negative?

I give up! I'm done with being nice to him! If he wants to be a jerk, I'll be one back.

"What's your problem Jack!?" I said loudly. He looked at me shocked with my sudden outburst.

"I've done nothing but be nice to you and try to be friends! But you're such a fucking asshole!" I got up from the couch now so I was standing in front of him.

"Well maybe if you weren't so annoying and always clinging onto my best friend and I!" He got up and yelled back at me. I stood there kind of shocked,

"Well sorry that I'm trying to be nice to you! Maybe you should lighten up!" I screamed in his face.

He makes me so mad , yet I still like him.

"Maybe I don't want you to be nice to me! I don't like you at all! I want nothing to do with you!" He screamed standing up.


That hurt me a lot. Coming from the guy you're in love with. I felt my eyes start to fill up with tears.
He noticed because I saw his facial expression soften.

"No, Ashlee. I'm sorry" he said in a softer tone reaching out for my hand. I pulled away.

"No fuck you! You could of just told me how you felt before! I would of stopped trying a long time ago!" I said with tears slowly pouring from my eyes.

"No, please listen to me Ashlee."

"Listen to what?! Your bullshit and negative comments?! I'm tired of listening to that!" I yelled as tears fell from my eyes. I grabbed my phone and started to walk away from him, only to be pulled back to him.

He pulled me into his chest and held be tight. I was surprised, he hates me..

What's he doing?

"I'm sorry." He said softly not letting go of me. He had his arms wrapped around my waist with his head laying on top of mine , which was in his chest.

I felt safe.

"I didn't mean what I said.." he went on.

"I just like you a lot.." he said softly.

Did he really?

I was shocked. Did the love of my life actually like me back?

"I just thought you liked Gilinsky, so I didn't know what to do." He said softly clearly ashamed in himself.

I looked up at him and he looked back down at me.

I didn't know what to say,

I was speechless.

So I just leaned in, and he did the same. I felt his lips brush against mine before properly kissing me.

I kissed back.

After about a minute of slowly kissing him, he started to push me down onto the couch.

Once I was down on the couch he gently climbed on top of me
Not breaking the kiss.

Things slowly started to get heated before we heard footsteps coming form upstairs. Neither of us pulled away completely ignoring who ever was in the room. My fingers found their way to his hair while his hands stayed on my waist.

I pulled away hearing someone awkwardly cough in front of us.

It was Jack Gilinsky. In his hands he held two bags filled with all types of food and drinks.

Johnson quickly got off me fixing his shirt. Jack G smirked at the two of us.

The rest of the night we all watched movies and ate snacks , and Jack G decided not to ask about the encounter earlier.

Later on when me and Jack J started dating, we both found out that G planned the whole thing, and left us alone knowing we'd talk.

¤ Ashlee, I'm so sorry it took so long for me to update, but I hope you enjoyed this, and I hope it's what you wanted¤

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