5: Leaving you

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Your p.o.v

"Mommy, where's daddy?" My four year old daughter Gina asked.

I sighed not even knowing the answer myself. Jack left early tonight around 7 and its 11 now and he still isn't home.

He could be doing anything right now, but what I feared the most was him cheating on me.

"Daddy will be home soon baby." I said as I pulled her up on my bed.


I hate having to lie to her. I don't want to tell her , her father would rather go out instead of staying home with his wife and daughter. He's been doing this for almost 3 weeks now, and its not only hurting me. But its also hurting Gina.

She just wants her dad back. And I want the Jack I fell in love with and married back.

"Sweetie, he'll be here soon. Okay? Let's watch some movies, yea?" I want to get her mind off of him, she's so young, she shouldn't have to go through this.

"Yea! Can we watch Frozen?!" She asked excitedly. I smiled at how cute she is.

She reminds me so much of Jack.

I put on the movie and half way through it she fell asleep. I glanced over at the clock on the wall.


And still, Jack wasn't home. I gently picked up Gina and carried her to her room. I placed her softly on her bed and tucked her in. I kissed her forehead softly before walking out her room and going back to mine and Jacks shared bedroom.

As the time went by Jack still hasn't come home yet.

It was about 1:00 when I heard the front door open.

Jack's home.

I got up from the bed getting ready to go off on him. I walked downstairs and found a very drunk Jack in the kitchen.

I walked up to him and pushed him out the fridge.

"What the fuck ?!" He said angrily.

"Where the hell were you for the past 6 hours?!" I said loudly but not loud enough so I wouldn't wake Gina.

"I was with the guys." He slurred. That made me furious.

I understand he wants to have some fun with the guys, but he has to remember he isn't a kid anymore, and he has a child and wife that need him home.

"Every single fucking night your with the guys for over 3 hours!" I raised my voice slightly.

"It hurts my feelings when Gina asked me where her loving father is!" I yelled in his face making the word 'loving' come out sarcastialy. He stepped back a little and I got closer to his face.

I was pissed and I wasn't going to hold back anymore.

I could see in his eyes he was getting annoyed.

"I'm tired of staying up worrying about my husband and his well being!" I jammed my finger in his chest.

"And I'm tired of having to lie to Gina about where her dad is so late at night!" I was beyond furious and sick of his shit.

I ran my fingers through my hair showing I was stressed out.

He just stood there taking it all. Not saying a word. Which made me even more mad. Did he not care about me? Did he not care about Gina?

"Well maybe I'd be around more if you weren't so clingy and annoying! I have a life too !" He yelled. Did he really have the nerve to say that to me?

"I'm your fuckng wife! I gave birth to your daughter! Why am i even still with you?! " I yelled not even realizing what I said. Of course I love Jack, I was just mad.

"I dont know! Maybe you should fucking leave!" He yelled sounding like he meant every word.

He's drunk, he can't possibly mean it.

"Fuck you Jack, I'm leaving!" I yelled backing away from him and going upstairs to Gina's room.

I grabbed her Barbie backpack and packed some clothes for her.

I then went in Jack and I's bedroom and packed some of my clothes in a sperate bag. I went back into Gina's room and lightly shook her till she awoke.

"Come on baby, we're going to spend the night at Grandma's." I said softly holding back my tears.
She softly nodded her head and got up tiredly. I put her backpack on her shoulders and walked downstairs holding her hand and my bag.

Jack was passed out in the couch. I scoffed and rolled my eyes

Shows how much he cares.

Me and Gina walked out to my car and I put her seatbelt on and drove off to my moms holding every tear in so Gina wouldn't question anything.

When I got to my moms house I tucked Gina in , in the guest bedroom and told my mom everything that happened. She told me , me and Gina could stay as long as we needed.

Am I ready to leave Jack?

Wassup guys! I had a lot of free time today so I wrote this suckish imagine, I got the idea from another writer so I give FULL CREDIT to them. Should I do a part 2? And yes, request are still closed until further notice.•

|Instagram ~ @slurpeejohnson|

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