The other Jack || smut , request ||

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This imagine was requested by the lovely Riley (:

Riley's p.o.v

"Gilinsky! I'm going to kill you!" I yelled as my best friend Jack Gilinsky smashed a piece of cake in my face. It was Johnson's birthday yesterday and I had just taken the cake out to enjoy a slice. But Gilinsky had different plans.

I quickly dropped the form that was in my hands grabbing a handful of the cake chasing after Gilinsky.

I came up behind him smashing the cake all over the side of his face as I snickered earning a groan from him.

"Ha, that's what you get!" I licked the frosting off my fingers as my best friend turned to face me.

He raised an eyebrow as he took his finger sliding it across his face collecting the frosting off.

Out of no where he smeared his hands on my face as I groaned.

I already knew Johnson wouldn't be happy about Gilinsky being here alone with me. He gets jealous so easily. But Gilinsky and I are just friends.

"You fucking cu-" I got cut off hearing the front door open of the small apartment. I turned to see my gorgeous boyfriend Jack.

Immdiatly a smile formed on my lips as I quickly ran over to him.

"Baby I missed you!" I wrapped my arms around him as he didn't even move or show any emotion. He just stares blankly at Gilinsky.

I knew instantly he was jealous.

"Get out" Jack said sternly to Jack G. I frowned knowing this was going to cause an argument.

Gilinsky nods as he grabbed his things quickly, not going to fight with Jack.

"Bye Riley, I'll see you later" he said before he left Jack and I alone closing the door behind him.

I slowly took my arms off of Jack looking up at him.

"Jack, I swear nothing happened. We were ju-" i got cut off again by Jack as he pushed me back against a wall pressing his body to mine.

"You know I don't like you hanging with other guys" he said lowly as he make intense eye contact with me. I slightly bit my lip as I nodded my head.

"I know babe, but he just wanted to hang out." He shook his head examining my face.

"Clean your face up, than I want you upstairs. You hear me?" He says as he let go of me. I nodded quickly pretty shocked with the way he was acting. Usually he would drop the subject. But today he was being so demanding, and I'd be lying if I said it didn't turn me on.

I quickly went to the sink and cleaned my face from the cake frosting.

As i walked up the stairs I heard fumbling from our bedroom.

When I walked in I didn't see Jack anywhere

"Babe..?" As soon as the words left my lips I felt a pair of hands on my hips. Jack pressed his already erect member against my ass.

I hummed softly as he pressed his lips to my neck.

"I hope you're ready for me baby. I'm not being easy tonight" he whispered into my ear as I nodded.

"I'm always ready for you" he quickly pushed me down onto the bed as I squealed slightly.

Jack quickly pulled his shirt off as I undressed myself. Soon enough we were both completely bare as he hovered over me.

I looked down as he gripped his d*ck in his hands.

"You're fucking mine" he groaned out before he quickly pushed into me without a warning.

A loud whimper left my lips as he stretched me out.

Jack groaned as he wasted no time pushing deeper into me. And fast.

"Oh fuck" I moaned out as I felt my body ache for more.

"Mine.mine.mine" Jack mumbles out through groans as he continued to pound into me.

I could tell Jack as upset about the situation as he stared into my eyes as whimpers left my lips.

Soon enough Jack was hitting all the right places sending me over the edge, and I knew he was close too.

"C'mon baby, cum for daddy" he groaned out not stopping his deep hard thrust into me.

His words must've hit a spot because as soon as he said that I was cumming, hard.

He groaned out a long fuck slowing down his thrust still going deep though.

A few seconds later Jack released his hot load into me.

"Shit I love you baby" I softly whispered as my breathing was heavy. Jack nodded as if saying i love you too pulling out completely falling back next to me.

Jack wrapped his arm around my stomach pulling me close to him, a smirk playing on his lips.

"You're mine"

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