13: I'll show you ||smut||

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Jack Johnson was the exact definition of nerdy. He was the top of our grade, sure to be valedictorian. He was smart, that was obvious. He sat in the back of every class, attempting to hide behind whatever book he was reading that day. He didn't socialize much, he had three friends. Jack Gilinsky, Sam Wilkinson, and Nate Maloley. All four of them were insanely smart and often intimidate those of us who just barely passed our classes. I mean, I'm not the most popular, I'm not the smartest, but I'm sure as hell not the dumbest. We'd never crossed paths.

"(Y/N), can you stay back a minute?" Spoke my English teacher as the bell rang.

Nodding, I pulled my books into my arms and walked over to the middle aged woman. I stood in front of her desk and waited patiently as she spoke to another student about the book we'd just finished reading in class, apparently whoever it was had found it very interesting.

"Okay," She started as she turned back to me. "you're failing my class."

Admittedly, English wasn't my best class, and of course with the stress of every other class, I was busy studying for everything else, I've let my English grade slip. Taking a deep breath in before letting it out through my mouth, I gave her a sad nod, noting that I did in fact know of my failure.

"Yes ma'am, I know. It's just, I guess English isn't my best subject and I've been busy studying for everything else, I guess none of it sticks and," I gave an excuse, hoping she'd believe me. Unfortunately, she didn't.

"(Y/N), you're better than this. You and I both know you can do better than this. At a time, you were passing my class with flying colors. We've got one last nine weeks left of this year, your senior year. You need to raise that grade to graduate."

I let out a groan as she spoke.

"Ma'am, I don't know what to do, I'm trying. I promise I'm trying." I spoke, setting my stuff down on a desk near me before rubbing my temples.

"That's why I've assigned you a tutor." She said.

A gasp left my mouth as she finished her sentence. A tutor. A tingle ran down my spine as I realized that she had chosen one of her students to tutor me. Someone who probably had nothing better to do than tutor me.

"I've asked Jack to be your tutor." Her words shocked me.

Jack didn't speak to many people, he often spent his lunchtime eating with his friends at a small table in the library. He didn't come to school dances. He definitely didn't come to games. I can't recall ever having a conversation with him.

She beckoned Jack over, who was standing in the door frame for God knows how long, even though the bell to leave had already sounded. He stood straight, much taller than my five foot tall build.

"Hey," He said, his voice was quiet and shy, a red tint came to his face as I smiled and returned the greeting.

Our teacher said her goodbye, pushing us both out of her room after explaining everything. She locked her door, rushing down the hallways to the bus that she drove.

"You're going to tutor me?" I asked, turning towards the bright-eyed boy.

"When we're through, you'll be passing this class with, hopefully, the same grade as me." He said, confidence dripping from his mouth like venom.

"You want to come over so we can start?" I asked, giggling a little at the look of shock he projected.

"T-to your h-house?" His confidence was washed away and his face became pale.

"Ya, I live with my older sister and she's not even home today. Is that okay?"

"Y-ya! Absolutely. Can I catch a ride with you?" He seemed nervous once again as our conversation progressed.

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