4: "You did it baby"

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\\ Requested by Mary \\

Jack's p.o.v

"Hey babe," my beautiful girlfriend of two years and a half said.

She decided to come over to my house and spend the day with me, which made me very happy.

"Yes princess?" I replied pecking her lips softly. She smiled, making me smile.

"I wanna give you a challenge" she said in a soft tone. Which worried me. But I shook it off.

"And what's that babygirl?" I asked. She moved on my bed sitting Indian style in front of me. She shyly smiled.

"Well I challenge you to go a whole day without talking to me."

"And if I pass?" I asked, not really liking the idea of not talking to her for a whole day.

"I'll love you forever." She said with a small smile.

"So you don't love me right now?" I said to tease her.

She playfully punched my arm.

"Shut up Jack, you know I love you"

"I know I know." I laughed pushes her down on my bed gently, I laid next to her.

Till about 7:00 we cuddle and watched movies. Then she decided to go back home.

The next day

I woke up and reached for my phone to text Mary good morning, but then I remembered about the challenge.

This is going to be hard.

Me and Mary are always taking. Whether its through a text , in person, or on the phone.

Why did she even challenge me this?

The whole day I went without communicating with her.

Which was very hard to do.

I walked downstairs to my shared apartment with Jack Gilinsky.

"Hey G, can you drive me to Mary's?" I asked, and he looked up from the TV.

"Sure." He simply said. I thanked him and he got up grabbing his keys, then we were out the door.

Once we arrived I notice neither Mary's or her mothers car was here. I began to worry. They usually never go anywhere, and if Mary did ever leave her house, she'd always call me.

I looked over at Jack.

"Call her." He said. I quickly nodded my head and grabbed my phone out my pocket.

I searched through my contacts until I found hers.

Babygirl ❤

I waited for her to answer.

"Hello? Jack?" Her mothers voice said.

Why is she answering Marys phone?

"Hey, uhm. Where is Mary?" I asked kind of uneasily.

"We're at the hospital, please come by" she said in almost tears, I could tell. I felt my heart drop.

Is my baby okay?

"O-okay" I said without asking any questions.

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