2: Beach Day

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// Requested by Emily //

"Babe!" My boyfriend , Jack Johnson called from our room upstairs.

"What?!" I called from downstairs in the living room. He probably needs help with something stupid and simple.
It was a normal Satuday morning, we had no plans to d any thing what so ever.

Jack came running down that stairs nearly falling over his own feet. I giggled to myself.

Once he reached the bottom of the stairs he ran over to me.

"Wanna go to the beach Emily?" He asked with a smile on his face. I smiled back nodding my head.

"C'mon let's get ready then!" He grabbed my hand and ran upstairs.

Once we were both ready we headed out.

The whole car ride we just listened to music and sung along to all the songs that played.

It was absolutely beautiful at the beach. I set down a towel on the sand getting ready to tan. But of course Jack had other ideas. I laid down on the towel enjoying the sun, while Jack was in the water.

"Babe!" I heard Jack calling my name. I groaned, but sat up looking over at him.

"Come in the water with me please!" He said giving me puppy dog eyes. I really wasn't planning on getting in the water.
Jack started to walk over to me with a smirk. Oh God, what is he going to do?

I looked at him with a weird expression. He didn't say anything and bent down to pick me up bridal style. He then started to walk towards the water. I immediately knew what he was going to do.

"Jack don't you fucking dare!" I nearly screamed holding onto him tight. He walked into the water, stopping above his knees still holding me in his arms.

"Do I make you wet baby?" He smirked. I wasn't in the mood for his little jokes.

I ignored him holding onto him tight. And with that he dropped me down in the wet water. He ran off laughing.

I swam back to shore. He laid down on the towel laughing and snickering. I glared at him walking back up to him shivering.

The water was cold as hell. He stoped laughing once he saw me walking up to him.

"Here babe." He got up and wrapped me around a towel.

"I hate you" I joked. He laughed.

"I love you too princess haha." He Sat back down on the towel in the sand patting the spot neck to him. I smiled and Sat down next to him.

He put his arm over my shoulder. I laid my head ontop of his shoulder looking ahead at the ocean in front of me.

He turned his head to face me and smiled. The rest of the day we laid in the sand talking and laughing about almost everything. I think it's safe to say today was absolutely amazing.

I'm sorry Emily if this isn't what you were asking for, but I hope you liked it

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