11: Caught ||Smut||

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You stumbled out of the cab, those few drinks starting to catch up with you as you threw some cash at the driver, shutting the door behind you. A burst of wind blew down the tight street, causing you to pull your jacket tighter around your upper half, your legs forming goosebumps where nothing covered your bare skin.

You turned the door knob, opening the door to a dark house, even the TV was off, you let your shoes slip off your feet, feeling the cool hardwood on your feet. "Jack?" You called out, standing completely still waiting for a response.

You slowly climbed the stairs, hearing small groans coming from your bedroom, "fuck, y/n." you felt a smirk coming to your face as you slowly opened the door to your bedroom, taking in the sight in front of you.

Jack had his member in his hand, pumping slowly, his thumb swirling around his head collecting the precum that was leaking from the top. You glanced up at his face, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth helping him hold his groans in as his hand continued to pump.

You quietly moved your body towards bed, leaning over, watching carefully as he slowly moved his hand down to his base, you wrapped your mouth around his tip, swirling your tongue quickly before pulling off with a loud pop.

"Y/N. How long have you been home?" Jack jerked his body upwards, "Long enough to really enjoy the show." a smirk formed on your face, you pushed his body back onto the bed.

"I didn't think you would start without me, Jack." you lowered your head back down, blowing cool air onto his tip, before taking him into your mouth. His hands tangled into your hair, making a makeshift pony tail in his hand, moving your head at the pace he wanted.

Your tongue swirling around as he bobbed your head, you moved your hand cupping his balls. His hand pushed you all the way down, causing him to hit the back of your throat. You gagged around him, a low moan escaping his throat at the feeling.

"If you keep doing that, i'm going to cum right now." Jack rolled his hips up into your mouth, you jerked your head up, releasing him from your mouth, "I was so close, y/n." Jack whined at the loss of contact with your mouth.

You pulled your dress up around your waist, straddling his lap. lowering yourself down his length, feeling him as he stretched you out, savoring the feeling as you stopped. "Please move." Jack groaned, grabbing your hips lifting your body letting your slam back down.

You rolled your hips, the only sounds in the room was the sound of your skin slapping together, the profanities bouncing off the walls. Jack's hand moved to your clit, rubbing tight figure eights, as you rolled your hips against his, feeling your high starting to wash over your body.

Jack flipped your body over, hitting an entire new angle, your body shaking as he slammed against you gspot with his fast pace, "JACK." you body starting to shake as your high washed over your body, your legs wrapping around his waist as he continued to thrust deep inside of you.

Your walls clenching around him as your came down from your high, your hands trying to push Jack back, "I'm so close, baby." Jack grunted, his thrusts sloppy, his hand moving back to your clit, "Can you cum with me one more time, baby girl. I know you can."

His thumb rubbing tight circles on your already sensitive clit, "FUCK JACK." your walls clenched around him, "fuck do that again." Jack tightened his circles and increased his pace, bringing you to your edge again, your walls clenching around Jack, causing profanities to fall from his mouth as he spilled his seed inside of you.

The warm liquid filling you as you went into your second high, feeling Jack pull out, his body flopping on the bed beside you, your body still shaking from the second high you experienced. "Jacck." you gripped tightly to the sheeting, finally starting to focus on his face.

"Yes baby girl?" Jack threw his arm around your waist, "I love you." you felt a smile form on your face, "I love you, too, baby girl."

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