12: Fifa ||smut||

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"You cannot be this good." Jack's hands gripped the controller tighter than you had ever seen him grip it before. "I've never even played this game, Jack. I'm just hitting buttons."

You fingers randomly slammed the buttons on the controller, somehow passing the ball perfectly down the field and kicking a goal, putting you now two goals above Jack leaving him raging.

"I don't understand. I've never lost before. This is such bullshit." You laughed, knowing how seriously he was taking this stupid game he had convinced you to play with him since you never do anything together anymore, you agreed.

"Jack this was your idea." you laughed it off, knowing that in just a few minutes the game would be over and Jack wouldn't be so pissed off anymore. "I'm so done." You watched as Jack's hand slung the controller across the wood floor, watching the brand new controller bounce off the wall, the batteries flying out the back.

"Oh good god." you stood up, laying the controller in the chair you were sitting in. "Jack come here." you ran to catch Jack, bounding up the stairs taking two at a time, "Jack." Your hand caught the bedroom door as he tried to shut it behind him.

"Jack Edward Johnson." You hands went to your hips as you looked at Jack laying backwards on the bed. "What y/n?" You could tell he was mad but quite honestly, it just made him extremely cute.

"Would you stop being so angry." You walked over to the bed, straddling Jack's lap, "Its awful hot when you're angry." you rolled your hips against his, listening to the small groan fall from his lips. "You know what? It turns me on when you're angry."

You nipped at his neck, making sure to suck hard enough to leave a mark for tomorrow, when suddenly Jack's hand moved to your hips flipping you over on your back, Jack's hand moving up your shirt.

"You know whats cute?" Jack lifted your shirt over your head, kissing down your torso to your pants line, "What, Jack?" You could already feel your breathlessness taken over you body at Jack's touch. "You when you beat me at video games."

Jack's fingers hooked in your waist line of your pants, pulling them down your legs before tossing them behind his body and onto the floor. His hot breath blew on your heat, your hands tangling in his hair, desperately trying to push him closer.

"Beg for it, princess. Tell me what you want." Jack blew cool air against your heat, sending shivers down your spine. "I want your tongue, Jack and your fingers." Jack wasted no time, his tongue attacking your clit as he buried his fingers deep inside of you.

"Jaaaack." Your back arched off the bed, your hands pushing Jack's head closer to you, Jack hummed an answer against your heat, the vibrations sending you closer to the edge, "More, Jack." You begged wanting to feel the brimming high take over your body.

Jack curled his fingers up, hitting the right spot, your vision was beginning to blur as Jack hummed into you again, a string of profanities coming from your mouth as your high took over your body, your legs threatening to clamp around his head as Jack moved his hands to hold them open, pressing your thighs down as he lapped up all your juices.

"You know, seeing your come undone under my touch is pretty cute too." Jack smirked pulling his own pants down, lining up with your entrance, "i'd like to see it again, too." Jack slammed into you, your hands moving to grip the sheets tightly as he continued his fast pace.

"JAAACK." Your words bouncing off the walls in the room, Jack's hair sticking to his forehead with sweat, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth, little grunts coming from him.

"Are you going to cum for me again?" Jack's hand moved to your clit, his thumb rubbing figure eights around you clit, causing your walls to clench around him, "please right there, Jack." your words shaky as your second high was starting to take over, your body shaking as you tightened your grip on the sheets below you.

Jack's relentless pounding was beginning to slow as your came down from your high, his trusts sloppy and you could feel him starting to twitch, the warm liquid filling your soon after, Jack's sweaty body collapsing next to you, pulling you close to his chest.

"I love you, Princess." He lips connected to your forehead, "I love you, Jack."

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