18: Settle in || smut ||

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GUYS, I have a lot of request I'm working on, bare with me.


I was nervous. I was excited. I was everything in between. It had been 3 months since I had actually seen my boyfriend, since I had the opportunity to run my fingers through his blonde hair and kiss his lips and hear his laugh in person. FaceTime isn't the same as actually being with him but now I was on my way to do just that. It was a surprise, which explains why I was nervous. I hated surprises personally, or at least knowing about them.
I fidgeted te entire plane ride to LA and I was even worse in the taxi to Jack's new house. We had talked about moving in together a time or two before, and even when he sent me pictures of the house, so not only was I on my way to see him but my new potential home as well. Before I knew it I was at the curb of the driveway looking up Jack and Jack's house.
No one seemed to be home so I grabbed the key Jack had previously told me they hid in the bush and walked inside. It wasn't hard to find Jack's room at the back of the hallway, with his Marilyn Monroe and Charlie Chapplin paintings on the walls. His fixation for the two actors had always been amusing. I stuffed my suitcase in the closet and a minute later I heard the door unlock. There was no voice and only one pair of feet steps so I wasn't sure if it was my Jack until he walked into the room with his eyes focused on his phone. With a clear of my throat he looked up instantly and dropped his phone.
"Are you serious?" It was a whisper of disbelief at first but then a yell when he repeated it and picked me up in a hug. "Are you serious? You're here. You're really here." Jack planted a long awaited kiss on my lips that I gladly returned with a smile. He pecked my lips repeatedly, as if to make sure I was really there.
"Jack," I laughed, "It's me and I'm here and I love you."
He responded without hesitation, "I love you too and I'm so excited I can finally touch you again." He gave me another kiss, this one more passionate than the first.
"I missed you so much."
Jack shook his head. "I've missed you more. And I'll prove it to you, right now, in our new home." That was it. That was my official invitation to move in with the boy I loved most and there was no way I was passing it up.
With a nod of my head Jack kissed me again, his arms around my waist and my hands cupping his face. The atmosphere changed instantly. The months of longing for his hands on my bare skin were gone.
His hands pushed under the hem of my tanktop. I took the initiative to remove the shirt myself. Jack stared at my body, something he knew I loved and hated all at once. "You're beautiful," he reassured me before catching my lips in his again and pushing me down on the bed. His fingers went straight to unclasping my bra and throwing it to the side somewhere.
Jack's lips moved down my jaw to my neck and shoulders before he focused on my chest, leaving bruises I had longed for. My fingers pulled his shirt off and moved down his back. I felt the goosebumps at my touch and smiled to myself. He kissed down the valley of my breasts to the top of my shorts. "Are you ready, princess?" He breathed between my open legs and i felt myself melt even more ink his touch. God how i loved when he called me princess.
Jack unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down agonizingly slow, and going even slower with my panties. He kissed up the inside of my thighs and my eyes closed in anticipation. "Keep them open for me, Princess. I want to see the pleasure in your eyes." With my elbows propping me up I looked into Jack's eyes just in time for the first tease of his tongue running up my slit. Instantly I moaned. He could please me so much better than I could myself.
He made sure to go slow as his tongue pushed between my lips, knowing exactly how much I loved when he started slow. It didn't last long before he picked up his pace against my clit. He licked circles around it and flicked it with the tip of his tongue faster than I remembered. My hands balled the sheets in my fists as I started grinding my hips up and down along his face. Jack was quick to stop that by wrapping g his arms around my thighs and pushing my hips down into the mattress. "Oh god," I whimpered as I felt a knot in my stomach grown. Jack knew exactly what that meant and pushed harder on my clit. I moaned and my breathing got even heavier before the heat wave consumed my body and my climax hit. Jack stayed at it with his tongue and I felt my legs begin to shake. "Baby," I breathed as my hand knotted in his hair. "Baby I can't. Jack, oh my god." I tried pushing his mouth away, the pleasure too overwhelming, but he enjoyed himself too much to stop. My back fell against the bed and my eyes rolled shut as my second orgasm hit. Jack licked me up before pulling away from my quivering legs.
My breathing was so heavy and uneven I couldn't form words so I simply pulled Jack on top of me for a kiss. He moved his hips into mine and I shook my head with a whimper. "Not yet," I managed to say with a plea, "You're turn." I tugged at the waistline of his pants and they fell down to his ankles before he kicked them off. I sat up and pushed his back onto the bed, running my hands down his abdomen and over the erection in his boxers to tease him as payback. Jack tried to move his hips against my hand but I stopped him by pinning him down as he had done me.
"Come on, Princess. I've been waiting so long for you, don't make me wait any longer." I gave in and pulled his boxers down, earning a groan of satisfaction from him at the lack of restraint on his errection. My hand grabbed his base, pumping him a few times as my tongue swirled around his tip and licked the precum. Immediately Jack's hand wrapped in my hair and pushed my mouth down fully over his length. I wasted no time in swirling my tongue around him and bobbing my head. I looked up at Jack to see him staring down at me with his bottom lip tucked under his teeth, a sight I loved especially when I was below him. I moved my head faster and took more of him into my mouth. "Fuck, baby," he breathed heavily. His hand was still in my hair, urging me to go faster. I felt him twitch and heard his grunt and I knew he was ready to release. I removed my hand and took the remained of him in my mouth just before he came. I swallowed and sat up, watching his chest rise and fall.
"We're not done yet," I whispered in his ear as I kissed down his neck, leaving a bruise at the base of it with my mouth. "Are you ready for another?" I asked him as I climbed over him, teasingly rubbing my slit over his tip. I bit my lip to hold back a moan like the one that left him.
Jack's hands gripped my waist tightly as he rolled his hips under mine. "I'm the one that should be asking if you're ready." Before I could reply Jack had already slid into me. "Now ride me, Princess." I didn't have it in me to tease anymore. I wanted to feel every inch of him inside of me. With his hands gripping my ass and mine on either side of his head I rolled my hips into Jack. As my hips came down his came up to meet me. The familiar sound of his grunts and cursing motivated me to go faster.
"Jack," I moaned loudly once I felt a hitch in my stomach. "Fuck, baby faster."
He did as I said and looked up at me. "C'mon, Princess. Cum for me." I moved as fast as I could before my body shook and I collapsed on his chest. Jack pounded into me before releasing a minute later.
We both breathed heavily. I raised my head from his chest to see Jack looking down at me. I pushed the sweaty locks of his blonde hair from his forehead before kissing him softly. "I missed this."
"I missed you," he replied with another kiss. "Don't worry, we'll be able to do this a lot more once you're settled in."
I blushed and moved my face to the crook of his neck. "I hope Gilinsky can sleep at night."
Jack laughed. "Trust me, he's not the one you need to worry about getting to sleep."

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