17: lovely night

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You were about to arrive at your best friend Jack's new flat. His roommate was away for the week visiting family so he offered to have you over. He didn't want to be lonely.

You knocked on the door; silence came from the other side so you knocked again, still nothing.

You knocked a little louder and yelled against the door, "Johnson I'm here damn it."

He laughed against the door, "I heard you Y/N. Just wanted to make sure it was you."

"Me yelling is how you know it's me?"


"If you don't open the door you'll be 100 percent sure it's me."

He laughed again as he opened the door, causing you to almost fall. Jack caught you and instantly pulled you into a big hug. He gave you a quick tour of the place before settling in on the couch; it had been raining so you decided on a movie marathon, which was pretty much background noise since the two of you had so much catching up to do. Throughout the afternoon you couldn't help but notice how fidgety Jack was being, the whole time; eventually you got curious as to why.

You furrowed your brow, "Hey Jack, are you feeling okay?"

He inhaled sharply and spoke quickly, "yeah, feeling fine. Why?"

"You seem pretty shaky that's all."

"I just feel bad that we're stuck inside; I should be showing you around."

You weren't entirely surprised; Jack had always hated being cooped up and always felt the need to impress his guests.

"We have all week Jack; the rain is supposed to let up by tomorrow."

"Yeah. I guess you're right. I just had so much planned."

Sure enough by nightfall the sky cleared and everything began to dry up.

"Hey Y/N, let's go out for a bit yeah?" Jack offered.

You pretended to whine, "but I'm already in my pajamas."

"That's fine so am I; we aren't going far."

You gave him a confused look but nodded anyway.

Jack lead you to the hallway and up the flights of stairs, looking behind him to ensure nobody was around before opening the door. Suddenly you were standing on the roof.

You paused a moment, "Jack are we even allowed to be up here?"

He chuckled and shrugged, "not really."

Finally you stepped out onto the roof, "so why are we up here?"

"Sit down and wait 20 minutes, you'll see."

So you took a spot next to him and waited as it got darker outside.

Jack stared up at the sky for a moment before looking over and nudging you, "look up."

You had already been mesmerized by the city lights but were even more impressed when you looked up. There may have been some light pollution but the stars were still visible against the night sky.

It took a moment for you to take everything in, "this is absolutely beautiful Jack."

Out of the corner of your eye you saw him scratch the back of his neck, "so are you."

You gave a soft chuckle, "that was cheesy."

He laughed too, "Hey I'm trying to be cute here."

You dropped your gaze from the sky to him, smiling lightly, "well, it was kind of cute"

He took a deep breath, "I'm serious Y/N. I really like you" He started speeding up, "I had planned a whole day for us but then it rained. This was going to be when I asked you out. Or I am asking you out. Um, do you want to go out?"

You gave him a quick peck on the lips and smiled. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to ask."

Your kiss had caused him to relax, which you could tell since his next sentence was in his goofy accent, "then wait no longer."

With the he cupped your cheek in his hand and kissed you back. In that moment it was the best kiss of your life, then again, so was every kiss he gave you after that night.

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