14: alarm clock ||smut||

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I woke up, my legs entangled with my boyfriend's. I turn onto my side to see Jack sleeping in his boxers, slightly bucking his his hips. I raise my brows and wonder what he's thinking, till he starts mumbling. "Oh, baby....please let me cum...I'll be a good boy" He moans, grabbing the sheets lightly. I smirk and lean over to his ear. "Don't cum yet baby" I whisper, biting his ear lobe as he squirms. I reach down, sliding my hand down his boxers, grabbing his dick and clenching it in my hand. He gasps yet stays unconscious. I pull out his dick and it slaps against the bottom of his stomach. I take him in my hand, stroking him slowly.

"Jack, wake up baby" I whisper, kissing his neck sloppily. I tighten my grip, he gasps and opens his eyes sharply. "Good morning babe" I smirk, kissing him. I pull back, he smirks. "Good morning, princess" He says, taking in my topless form. I stare into his deep blue eyes, running my hand down his chest to his navel. He rests his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me into him and kissing me. "I love you Y/N" He whispers into my mouth. "I love you too Jack" I moan as his hands travel towards my ass, squeezing my left cheek. I swing my leg over, straddling him. I slowly grind my pantie covered clit onto his dick. "Oh fuck, baby. Don't tease me" He moans. "Shh Gilinsky is next door" I whisper mischievously in his ear.

He smirks, flipping us over and straddling me. "We can be his alarm clock" Johnson smirks, leaning in, leaving sloppy kisses all over my neck and chest. "Oh fuck Johnson" I moan as his mouth works on my breast, his tongue flicking my nipple as his hand massages the other. He continues, kissing down my stomach to my navel, sloppily kissing lower and lower. He licks a long stride over my panties, making me moan. "Jack oh my gosh" I moan, he looks up at me and smirks, pulling off my panties in a quick movement. He starts eating me out, flicking and sucking at my clit as his fingers dip into me.

"Oh baby, you're so tight around my fingers" He smirks. "Fuck Jack, I'm gonna cum" I moan loudly, my legs starting to shake. He started sucking on my clit more vigorously as I reached my peak."OH MY GOSH" I scream, spilling onto him. "Mmmm you taste so sweet baby" He smiles, sucking my mess off his fingers. He comes face to face with me, kissing me and letting me taste myself on his tongue. I feel him position himself at my entrance as he looks at me. "Ready, baby?" He asks, I nod vigorously whispering a small 'Yes baby'. He smiles and slams into me roughly, making me scream in pain and pleasure. He grabs my wrists, pinning my hands above my head as he rocked into me roughly.

"Oh my gosh!" I moaned, throwing my head back in pleasure. "Oh fuck, baby. You're so tight" He moans. He wraps his hand to my throat, gagging me slightly. "Jack harder!" I almost scream. His trust go faster and harder as the bed frame knocks repeatedly against the wall. I struggle to get my arms from his lock but I eventually do, flipping us over so I was on top. I grabbed the back of his neck, kissing him roughly, reaching downward towards his cock. My fingers wrapped around his wet, throbbing penis as I teased him. "Mmm, ride me baby" He moans, I run my fingers through his hair, which was sticking to his forehead with sweat, as I positioned myself on him. I slammed down on him, making him gasp in pleasure.

I bounce on to him rhythmically, his hands on my waist helping me. My hands on his shoulders as support as his began traveling my body. "I love you" He pants. I nod as if to say 'I love you'. "Oh, baby....I'm gonna cum" Jack moans loudly. "Me too baby" I grind on him in a fast motion. His eyes screw shut and he throws his head back. "Oh damn" he moans. My legs begin to shake, as I lost rhythm. "Oh, fuck Jack, I can't" I groan loudly. He flipped us over and started pounding into me. My legs wrapped tighter around him as I came onto to him, almost screaming in my state of euphoria.

"Oh fuck!" Johnson screamed, stopping as I felt him spill inside of me. He stayed in his position for a couple seconds, taking in his orgasm. He rode out his orgasm, kissing me softly before sitting up. I smiled up at him as he grabbed my waist and sat me on his lap. I studied his face; his cheeks pink, hair everywhere, sweaty as he panted. I caressed my hand down his face "You're so beautiful" His eyes scanned my face as his hand ran down my side.

"HEY ASSHOLES, YOU WOKE ME UP SO LET'S GO GET BREAKFAST" Gilinsky screamed, banging on the door.

"Just a minute!" Johnson screamed back. He looked back at me and smiles. "Let's go get dressed" He smirks at me.

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