16: You're The One

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Being the girlfriend of a famous person isn't always easy. Don't get me wrong it was amazing dating Jack Johnson but all the positives we have in our relationship are ones we could easily have if he wasn't famous. Whereas most of the negatives are ones we wouldn't have if he was just a normal person. The hateful fans, the large crowds always interrupting us, the constant being apart, etc. But nonetheless we were happy.

Jack was living out his dream and that was all I could ask for. As long as he was happy, I was happy. Because that's what love is. His job had opened up doors for me as well, which I couldn't complain about. When we moved to LA, I was able to get a very fancy sales job at some high-end company when I'm only 18 years old. We were able to afford a rather large house close to all of our friends. And so much more.

But none of that meant anything to me if he wasn't around to share it. He was always touring. And like I said, he was happy and that made me happy. But there was still a selfish part of me that wanted him all to myself. But I would put on the happy face and pretend to be the happiest most supportive girlfriend in the world.

Jack's POV

She didn't think I noticed but I did. You don't date someone for 3 years and not notice when they're unhappy. So I noticed that when I told her about my tour travels, sometimes her smile was real and sometimes it wasn't. And I didn't blame her. I couldn't. I was constantly gone, constantly away from her and our home. And while she has always and will always be incredibly supportive I know how much it hurts her when I leave. Because it hurts me too. We are both too selfish to be 100% happy when I'm doing what I love. Because doing what I love means I'm away from her.

We both want each other all to ourselves but with my line of work that's impossible. And she understands that. She knows how much I mean to those girls. How much they need me. But she needs me too, she'll just never admit it. I think the reason she won't admit it is because she knows I'll choose her. I would drop this whole life of fame and music to be with her. It's a no-brainer. Because as much as she thinks touring and performing is my dream. She is.

Being with her and making her happy is always and will always be my number one priority. And she knows this because I tell her all the time. That whatever she wants I will give to her even if it means leaving my career. But she would never want that. She's a walking paradox. She's selfish because she always wants me with her but she's too selfless to let me give up what I love doing. And that is why I love her.

So even if our life and our relationship is complicated and not the easiest to deal with we make it work. Because without each other we are nothing. My career would mean nothing to me and so would all of the wonderful opportunities in her life. We need each other. Even if we aren't always near each other.

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